Nineteen. Ryuunosuke

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What did I do?

Why did he look so fearful of me?

I didn't do anything to harm him, even in training when I'd torn his leg off by accident he'd never had fear in his eyes. He had just looked irritated.

He now sad cradled in the arms of Kouyou who was slowly stroking his hair in an attempt to calm him down. When his rasped breaths had ended I noticed he'd fallen unconscious once more.

Damn idiot should have stayed in the infirmary.

"How intriguing." Mori stated under his breath, I could hear him because of how close I was sitting. I slid back into the chair to try and get away from him slightly, I knew what he was capable of.

"Stay put." Kouyou snapped at me as I tried to lean slightly forward so I could see Nakajima better.

"If he wakes up and sees you so close again..." She looked down at Nakajima in her arms, with so much pity in her eyes. I imagine if he saw it he wouldn't have been pleased.

"Let's just quickly wrap this up so I can deal with this." I nodded in agreement, Nakajima needed seeing to.

"I believe the best course of action would be to begin researching this ability user. Akutagawa, would you please head down to the accounting house and seek out one of the intelligence agents there for more information. His name is Ango Sakaguchi." I nodded in agreement before making my way out of Mori's office.


"Hello, I would like to speak to Ango Sakaguchi." I spoke to the woman who was at the front of the accounting house. She gave me a short glance before looking away.

"Madam I would like-"

"I heard you kid. Sakaguchi doesn't take random drop in's from random ass kids, so scram!" I hated being a kid in the Mafia sometimes. No one ever gave me any respect.

I slammed my hand on the desk making the woman jump slightly.

"I will speak with him now. Unless you'd like the boss to know you interfered, miss..." I looked on her desk and saw a name written on a half opened envelope. "Misaki." She immediately jumped out of her seat and disappeared down a hallway. Guess that worked.

A few minutes later she called me down the hallway and led me to a room where files upon files were stored. A man with short, dark hair was sitting facing us, with a file in hand.

Before anything else could happen Misaki disappeared out the door quickly shutting it behind her.

"I hear the Boss has sent you to meet me?" Ango placed the file down and looked towards me, his eyes scanning over me. Estimating how much I was really worth to him.

"Yes. Do you have any files on ability users? Specifically manipulation abilities." Ango rose from his seat and began to walk along the files, counting, counting, counting. I got bored very quickly so I sat myself in his seat.

After a few minutes of me staring into space Ango dumped twentyfive files onto the desk between us, making me jump in surprise slightly.

"These are the ones currently in Japan who are known to be alive." He then syphoned through them and tossed seven aside. He placed his hand on the now eighteen remaining files.

"These are the ones not in prison." He moved through them again this time removing ten, he pointed to those as he spoke. "They all use their ability to benefit society in positive ways with the government or other groups." He removed an additional two.

"Those two are unaware of their ability." He placed his hand on the remaining six files.

"These are the only ones left who could possibly be the individual you are interested in." I went to reach for the files however he swatted at my hand.

"How do I know you aren't lying about the boss? You could just be using him as an intimidation tactic, and I am not easily scared." He was good, a real Mafia man. Proof before trust, smart.

"Are you aware of a man called Osamu Dazai?" Ango seemed to freeze at my words.

"The Demon Prodigy, known for his cruel words and even crueller actions. I am aware of him." His eyes seemed to harden as he spoke, he knew this was starting to get serious.

"Are you also aware he has a student, a protege if you will." Ango seemed shocked at my words, so what Dazai had said back then was true. My existence is limited to a few people. I could be replaced and no-one would be any wiser.

"Why would he take on a protege at such a young age?" I shrugged my shoulders at his question, I don't know why he took me on. I wasn't entirely sure why anyone took any of us on that day.

"Well you should know. I am that protege." Ango looked me over once again, he didn't believe my words completely. I could see it in his eyes, you could always read someone through their eyes.

"If you'd like I could prove it?" Ango nodded his head slowly, I didn't want to do this but it was the only way I could prove his teachings.

"You're aware of his cruelty, correct? Well in his teachings, he is no different." I threw my coat aside leaving just my shirt on the top half of my body. I then began to roll up my sleeves revealing various bruises and scars. I had no bandages along my arms currently as any injuries had healed within the last month without his training. I slowly unbuttoned my shirt, about halfway down, which revealed more scars and an incredibly large bruise on my waist that had nearly faded at this point.

"Proof enough for you?" I questioned Ango. He looked me over, his face was controlled and calm but I could see in his eyes that there was fear. Fear for what I'd gone through and what I'd be able to do in turn.

"You may have the files. Just return them when you are done." With that Ango collected the other files and began to replace them on the shelf. As I buttoned up my shirt I scattered the six files across the desk, I eliminated another three as they were women. The information I had clearly stated he was a man, I dismissed another as I pulled my coat over my arms. This was an oldish man in his sixties.

The other two fitted the criteria I had, I quickly scooped them up in my arms and made my way out. But just as I was going to leave I stalked back over to the desk and picked up two of the files I had initially dismissed. One was of one of the women, the other was the old man. I wasn't sure why but there was something familiar about the two.

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