Thirty-three. Osamu

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"Stop it..." I didn't need this. Not right now. I needed my entire focus to ensure their safety, Chuuya would never let me forget it if I let one of them die. That and I don't think I'd be able to forget it myself.

Osamu~ Let them fall~

I tightened the grip I had on my hair, I stepped back a step but quickly regretted it when I remembered I was on a floating platform.

Why should it be your responsibility~ They chose to jump~

She's right... They chose to jump... Why should I get in the way of that...

I'd always wanted it so what right did I have to interfere.

You could join them you know~  From this height it would definitely kill you~

"You're right..." I muttered to myself, my hands fell from my head. That cold numbness fell over me once more, it was so relaxing yet unnerving at the same time.

Join them Osamu~

"Right..." I stepped forwards towards the edge. I looked upwards and could see the pair of them shouting at each other. I found it amusing slightly, they chose to bicker in their last few moments.

They'd go flying past me in a few seconds.

Jump Osamu~ It's what you always wanted~

I don't know why but my eyes drew themselves to the ground, everytime I'd jumped off ledges I'd never looked down. Always upwards to where I knew I'd never go.

But instead of a solid concrete I could see a red blur. No, not just red, it was orange as well.


That numbing coldness broke for a second, and when it did my instincts kicked in. Just as the pair went flying past me I grabbed out and reached for them.

I forgot to anticipate their weight against my own and fell off the edge with them.

"Osamu!?" I hear Chuuya cry as the top of the platform left my vision. However, I quickly grasped at the edge of the platform. I had a grasp...

But for how long?

"Hey kids I know I'm rescuing you and everything, but if you could please help me!" I basically shouted at the top of my lungs as the pair of them seemed to come to a realisation that they had stopped falling.

Atsushi swung himself so he could grip the ledge, good thing too as my grip was slowly starting to loosen from the fact of carrying the pair of them but Misao was still trying to regain her control.

After a couple minutes of struggling Atsushi managed to drag himself atop the platform and pulled Akutagawa up afterwards. So much for helping your elders.

The three of us caught our breaths back once on the platform, but after sitting there for a few seconds I made a realisation. We weren't moving.

Why wasn't Chuuya lowering us down? If we had fallen, while trying to climb back up, lowering us would have raised our chances of survival.

I peered over the edge while Atsushi seemed to check on Akutagawa, I don't know why he needed to, I'd seen the kid jump off buildings during missions before and he usually used Rashomon and was fine afterwards. It then clicked in my head that he was in a hospital uniform. Oh.

But then I could see the reasoning as to why Chuuya wasn't lowering us further down. He was fighting someone. And if I had to guess it was Misao.

I couldn't just sit idly by as Chuuya did all the work as usual, I looked around as to what I had to my advantage. An injured Akutagawa who didn't look to be in a fit state to use his ability, a nullified Atsushi who couldn't use his ability. A floating platform made of nothing but concrete and held together by Chuuya's ability, that would remain true unless Misao managed to get hold of him. And despite all the trust I had in Chuuya I wasn't taking any chances.

Think Osamu, think.

"Is that Ane-san?" Atsushi pointed out looking through the window of the building. And he was correct, the woman seemed to be walking past with a couple of her subordinates. Before she could disappear and I'd lose my only option, I ordered Atsushi to break a piece of the concrete and hand it to me.

I aimed the piece directed at the woman's face. I wouldn't get a chance like this again, as I predicted her ability immediately kicked in and sliced the rubble in half.

She turned with a face full of anger in the attempt of someone trying to hit her, but when she saw myself and the others on a floating platform she destroyed the rest of the window and helped the other two down with her ability. Once the two were safely inside I, made what I now realise to be an idiotic idea, jumped from the platform and landed inside the building.

I know Misao would have heard the breaking of glass earlier, that meant Chuuya was in an even more dire situation.

With no question myself and Kouyou began to quickly make our way down the headquarters, we were only about a third of the way up so we would reach the base of the building relatively quickly.

I just hoped that Chuuya wouldn't do something idiotic before I could get there.

But knowing him he probably would, it better not be something he would regret later.

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