Thirty-seven. Chuuya

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"Osamu..." I muttered to myself as I rose from the drowsy state I always ended up in after I slept for so long after corruption. I opened my eyes expecting to find Ane-san or Osamu at my bedside. They were the usual ones to greet me after I was unconscious for so long.

But I was greeted by the sight of a girl with short purple hair, a butterfly clip positioned on the side of her head.

"Finally you're awake." She greeted with a bitter tone. She didn't sound pleased to be here.

"Your friend is a real annoyance, you know, he wouldn't let me do my work in peace. Always hovering near you." I didn't need two guesses to figure out who she meant.

"Yeah well that's how Osa- Dazai always is." The girl huffed in annoyance at recalling him before moving around me. She began to check my pulse and other typical tests the doctors always did to me after corruption. It was just to check I had no detrimental issues with my health.

"Thank you for the check up and everything but who are you? You're not the usual person who checks me up after corruption." The girl raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"I have no idea what corruption is, but you've been unconscious for multiple days." No surprise there, that was the typical time frame after corruption.

"But my name is Akiko Yosano. I'm a nurse in training, I work for an agency. I'm here under orders from my boss." I still didn't understand why this girl was here?

We had plenty of trained nurses here. Why did we need a nurse in training to take care of me?

"Akiko hurry up examining him so we can get out of here." A man's voice sounded across the room. I hadn't even realised he was sitting there, he was dressed in a plain shirt and trousers. He looked a lot more messy in comparison to Yosano.

"I'm almost done, can you go find that bandaged kid from earlier? I don't dare go wandering around with him skulking about." The man nodded before rising from his chair and walked off with his hands behind his head.

"Is he your colleague or something?" I questioned as Yosano removed an IV from my arm.

"More like brother, but yes." She quickly placed a plaster on my arm before I could end up with blood dripping down my arm.

"So how long have you been in the Mafia for?" That's not a normal question you'd get from an outsider.

"I'd say roughly a year and a half. I don't really keep track, how long have you worked at your agency?" I think the pair of us resorted to small talk as neither of us could stand the awkward silence.

"Five years. But who's counting?" We both gave a small laugh at that.

"You said you're here by orders from your boss, correct?" She nodded as she began to put away any nearby equipment.

"Who's your boss exactly?" Yosano turned to face me before she responded.

"His name is Fukuzawa, he founded the Armed Detective Agency himself." Armed Detective Agency? They sounded like they would give us trouble if we crossed them.

"And your Armed Detective Agency, does it tend to cross with the Mafia very often?" Yosano shook her head in dismissal.

"We're not exactly the biggest so we have only taken on a few cases. I wouldn't exactly like to cross the Mafia's pass too often in the future." She didn't appear to want to continue further so I left her be.

"I wouldn't want to cross paths with the Agency too much in the future either, you seem quite nice." Yosano smiled in thanks. At this point the guy from earlier returned.

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