The arena of giants

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Luffy was looking at each and every crevice of the Island with fascination. There were so many ancient creatures present there, which didn't help at all in containing his excitement. Especially when the said creatures kept on ogling him from the bushes. Even the flies were not an exception. They even showed the guts to approach Luffy more than the other beasts.

"You okay, there?" Zoro asked as he saw Luffy pouting at another fly that was buzzing around him.

"They are irritating me," Luffy huffed as he looked at the curious fly, who was wandering near him. He wasn't even using his real form and yet they were getting attracted to him.

"Since how long haven't you taken a bath?" Nami asked as she walked closer to them. She could smell the fresh scent of sea and sun from Luffy, which was technically nice but was enough to attract the flies.

"I took it last night," Luffy answered as he allowed a butterfly to sit on his index finger. He had been with his Mama last night and hence that can count as a bath.

"I never saw you in the bathhouse," Usopp accused as he kept on looking at his surroundings, wary that something would jump from the shadows to the open any moment.

"That reminds me, we gotta start your training," Zoro stated as he looked at Luffy who was running ahead chasing a rare beetle. Seriously, his captain acted too much of a kid.

"Oh yeah!" Luffy grinned before rushing to the riverside. "Woah! Look at this!!" Luffy squeaked as he held something up in his hand and waved to his friends.

"Did you find something interesting?" Sanji asked heading towards Luffy.

"Check it out! It's an ammonite!" Luffy squealed happily. "Man, I thought they had gone extinct."

"It's a prehistoric Island after all," Sanji commented with a grin as he examined the clam squid-like amphibian.


"Tell me we are not dying," Usopp whimpered as his legs shivered and his hands went to clutch his slingshot tightly. He was regretting coming to the Island, to the forest and whatever that had rumbled right now couldn't be good.

"I really hope so," Nami mumbled as she gulped down, and took a step back.

"Quack!" Carque cried as it stayed frozen in his place, carrying his ride, Vivi, who was looking at the trees with wide eyes.

"Don't worry my lovely ladies your prince will protect you!" Sanji twirled towards the lovely ladies, forgetting the ammonite and not at all bothered by whatever was approaching them.

"SUGIO!!!! THAT'S A DINOSAUR!" Luffy cheered as he launched himself on the said dinosaur.

"A D-D-D-D-D-DINOSAUR!!!" Nami, Usopp, and Vivi shrieked, as the former two fell on their butts, with tears streaming from their faces. They hadn't been noticing the creatures hiding in the bushes otherwise they would have fainted a lot sooner.

"ARE YOU INSANE?!!" Vivi yelled, fearing for the pre-teen, who was climbing on the tall neck of the said dinosaur.

"He'll be fine," Zoro commented, as his eyes never left that of the beasts that were starting to move away from them. He had seen Luffy look at them and then look at him and the cook to shake his head. That clearly meant they weren't supposed to engage with the creatures until they did anything.

"They are gone," Sanji whispered as he took a drag from his cigarette and stood beside Zoro looking at the place where the beasts were once hiding.

Seriously what was their deal? Following them around everywhere? And why the hell did Luffy ask them not to attack until they took a step? It was way too suspicious especially when the beasts and dinosaurs left and huddled in the direction Luffy slingshot himself.

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