The good demon

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Zoro was really tired and hungry as he waited for a month to pass while being tied up on a cross. He didn't like it at all but being a man of his words, he had a promise to keep. It wasn't even like that he could up and leave, 'cause if he does that, Rika would be in danger.

It was already his ninth day and Zoro felt like hallucinating when he heard voices. Lifting his head to glare at the images of anyone who would mock him, he saw two heads pop up from the greyish white walls of the marine base, looking at him.

"Hey! You!" Zoro glared darkly with an intimidating grin. "Could you please come here and untie me?" He asked with his rough voice. He really wanted to relax his muscles, which were feeling too stiff for his liking. "I've been tied up for 9 days and I'm exhausted."

"Look he is smiling!" The strawhat wearing kid excitedly announced to the pink haired one who ducked lower.

"He..! He talked!" The pink haired boy, who looked like a scaredy cat, squeaked in fear.

"I'll repay you. I could hunt down a fugitive and give you the rewards. I'm not lying. I'll keep my word." In a second, he saw the strawhatted boy jump over the wall and walk towards him, despite the warnings of his pink haired friend.

"Don't do it, Luffy! Don't be tricked by his words. If you free him, he'll kill us and escape!" The pink haired boy tried to warned frantically to the black haired one. Zoro ignored his words for the headache which was already sprouting. He really wanted to be left loose, even if it's only for a minute or two.

"He can't kill me 'cause I'm strong too."

Zoro snorted at the words of the strawhatted teen who declared it with full confidence. The scrawny kid looked like a pre-teen with baby fat on his cheeks and bright, chocolately, big doe eyes. If Zoro has to guess then he would say that he was at least 14 and the pink haired one must be 15 or 16 at most. So even if they joined forces those kids were nothing before him.


A ladder was placed beside the pink haired one, stopping him in middle of his words and making him and the other two turn towards the little girl, Rika, who climbed it, shushing the spectacles wearing teen. She shushed him before peeking at the courtyard. Once she found that it was all clear, she let down a rope, using it to climb down the other end.

"What are you doing?" The pink haired one freaked out instantly when he saw Rika run over to Zoro.

Zoro watched as the girl, carrying something wrapped in a paper approached him. He ignored the yells of the pink haired boy trying to warn Rika.

"What are you doing here?" Zoro yelled at her in an angry voice. He didn't want Rika to stay here even a second! What if a marine came in and punished her for meeting him? He is fucking tied up tight in the ropes, he can't protect her if something happens!


Coby was freaking out at the sight of the pirate hunter shouting at the little girl. He didn't want the girl to be dead. But one look on Luffy said to just watch and not act.

"Why don't you do it yourself?" Luffy enquired when he begged him to save the girl once again.

Coby was frightened. He couldn't move but only watch as the little girl offered onigiri to the pirate hunter only for the swordsman to shout at her to go away. He wanted to jump in or at least do something but his nerves weren't allowing him to do it but soon a young man in a suit and two marines in tow came up, making his scared heart beat a bit calmly.

"He has to be someone important. Thanks goodness!" Coby sighed in relief. "The girl will be safe now."

But Coby wasn't expecting what happened next. The blonde haired man stepped on the food prepared by the girl after taking a single bite. If it was not enough, he was stomping on it cruelly, making the little girl start crying as her hard work was completely destroyed before her own eyes.

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