Pirate king and freedom

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Smoker looked at the path which the kid ran off to. Honestly kids these days never failed to amaze him. And this particular one, made him think if he would eventually find his parents or not.

It was not his business and knew it, but leaving a kid to fend for himself didn't settle right with him.

"Captain Smoker!" A marine's voice brought him out of his debate to whether follow the brat or mind his business. "We got orders from the headquarters!" The marine stated handing him a wanted poster with a salute to go with.

Smoker nodded, looking at the bounty poster. It made his face twist in disgust. It was a kid on the bounty poster with an insanely high bounty for an East Blue pirate or whatever he was off to be. And this pirate brat was in his town.

"Any unusual signs of pirate sightings?" Smoker asked ingraining the bounty poster in his mind.

"Sir! A marine who has been recently degraded has reported that he has seen the pirate ship governed by his man heading to Loguetown," The marine stated standing in attention before him.

Smoker nodded.

"Where the hell is Tashigi?" He asked the marine, who answered that she was off collecting her shigure.

Whenever he needs the damn woman she is always away. Smoker grumbled ordering the poor marine to tighten up the security in the shores and look for any unusual ship docking before heading back to the base he was stationed to.

This Monkey D. Luffy is not going to escape from Loguetown. Not in his watch.

As he entered the base, he was not left alone. A marine again assaulted his peace as he ran his way to him, practically looking relieved to have finally found him.

"Captain Smoker! Pirate are running wild in the square!" The marine spoke between his heavy pants.

"How many are there?" Smoker asked in a low voice, which nearly threatened the poor marine, as his hands held the bounty poster in his hands and he started walking towards the plaza.

"Sir, it's Buggy The Clown, Iron Club Alvida and Monkey D. Luffy!"

Smoker stopped in his path as he turned to the marine who was desperately trying to keep his pace and breath intact.

"Monkey D. Luffy you say?" Smoker repeated his doubt. He didn't think that the 50 million bounty pirate brat would already be in the plaza.

"Yes sir!" The marine responded with his scared voice.

"Send the first unit down to the harbor while a second unit will secretly set up a perimeter around the town square. The rest will wait for further orders," Smoker ordered causing the marine to hurry and relay the information to the others.

When he reached the plaza, what he saw he didn't like it. Civilians were held on gunpoint by the members of Buggy pirates to watch as the captain stood above the platform where Gold Roger was executed with a sword in his hand.

And to add everything to his horror. There was the little kid who had smiled at him like a sun earlier held there ready to be killed.

"Why the hell is a kid there?" Smoker yelled looking at the marines who didn't move from their place with eyes down. "Don't tell me you all are scared of the Clown and the flimsy lady there!" Smoker shouted.

"S-Sir, we have reasons to believe that the kid is none other than Monkey D. Luffy." A marine spoke with his eyes looking down at his feet.

Smoker's eyes widened but belief was not something which he needed. There was an innocent kid who was going to be slaughtered! Dammit!

The Morning Sun Will Rise!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें