Surprise Hunters?!

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In the beginning of the Grand Line, a little caravel ship sails in mid of a snowy weather which had befallen on them. This ship- The Going Merry- is heading for none other than Whiskey Peak.

The ship was filled with mirthful giggles coming from a Strawhatted teen who was running around with Usopp on tow after destroying each other Snow arts, that is, if Luffy's melting Mr. Snowman in the freezing cold weather could even be counted as a snow art.

On the deck, where snow was falling, Sanji, ever the lady loving guy was shoveling snow to impress the miss- Nami- of his dreams, who was inside the galley.

"Excuse me! Doesn't this ship has a heater. This environment ain't for a king like me," Mr. 9 spoke arrogantly. He was shivering with cold despite the heavy blanket which he had worn around his body.

"I'm cold," Miss Wednesday agreed with her partner, sitting in the same situation as that of him.

"Shut your mouth! You're not guests here. You wanna warm out? Then go shovel some snow or something!" Nami yelled at the two arrogant people, her teeth gaining sharp edges.


The sound of the lightning cackling in the sky made the navigator look out of the window with wide eyes.

"Lightning?" Nami asked aloud. "Just what's going on with the weather here? I have seen nothing like this before. One minute it was a cloudless sky and next it's a blizzard. It's just as if the normal rules of the nature doesn't even exist here!" Nami spoke to herself, remembering what Crocus had told about the unpredictable nature and weather of Grand Line.

"So what do you think? Ready to turn back yet?" Miss Wednesday asked with a scrutinizing gaze.

"You and your friends have no idea how to survive this place." Mr. 9 spoke as he agreed with his partner.

"And you've left your rudder alone for a while now. You sure that's wise?" Miss Wednesday asked, as a puff of white smoke due to the cold came out of her mouth.

"I know where we are heading, I just checked it a while ago," Nami answered, her gaze going to the log pose, which made her scream her lungs outat the sight of what was not supposed to happen.

"What happened Nami?" Luffy asked first as he fell face first into the snow, which started melting slightly due to his abnormally high body temperature.

"What's wrong?" Usopp asked as he stopped in the mid of snow fight which he and Luffy were fighting.

"What's the matter, Nami?" Sanji voiced out as he saw his dream queen with horrified expression on her face come out of the galley and stepping into the cold.

"No way!" Nami panicked, her eyes wide and fixated on the log pose which showed how bad they were out of the path. "Make a hard turn of 180 degree. Hurry!" She ordered her friends, who were still not understanding the situation and messing around, especially Luffy and Usopp.

"A 180? Why'd you want us to turn back?" Usopp asked. He would be very happy if they turned back but still... why?

"Did we forget something?" Luffy asked cocking his head.

"The ship has turned around! We are sailing in the wrong direction! I only took my eyes off the log pose for a second..!" Nami pointed out looking at the waves which were calm a moment ago.

Luffy looked innocently to the side where Merry was sitting. He had ignored the little ship spirit when she had made him aware of the situation. He had thought that Nami had full control on everything, but he had forgot that it was her first time in the Grand Line. He apologized Merry silently, who softly giggled at him.

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