One man army

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"That man is.."

"Don Krieg it's him!"

"He has come to kill all of us!"

The Krieg pirates started panicking and running like headless chickens on the remaining deck of the ship. Some even tried to get as far as possible by swimming to avoid the said man.

"It can't be... Is that Hawk-eyed man?!" Zoro asked in shock. But he knew deep within that he is.

"Damn it!" One of the Krieg pirates cursed at the sight of the man. "What did we do to you? Why the hell do you have to follow us out here?!"

"Just to kill some time," Mihawk said looking bored.

"That's bullshit!" The Krieg pirates roared firing the said man with their guns, only for their bullets to be deflected or sliced by the said swordsman.

"What?! I missed?!" A Krieg pirate asked in shock.

"He deflected it. It'll be the same no matter how many times you shoot." Zoro answered the pirates and took a step forward, ignoring the gasps of everyone. "He changes the bullet's trajectory with the tip of his sword."

"I've never seen such graceful movements," Zoro stated walking towards the swordsman, ignoring the other pirates who were cursing him .

"A sword without grace is no strong sword," Mihawk replied sheathing his sword back at its rightful place and eyeing Zoro curiously.

"Did you cut this ship with that sword?" Zoro asked standing before Mihawk on the broken deck of the Krieg's ship.

"Yes, indeed!" Mihawk replied nonchalantly.

"No wonder..." Zoro said looking at the man with a nervous smirk. "You really are one of the strongest."

That got a reaction from Mihawk, who raised his eyebrow at the said statement. There were few who knew about the said thing, specially he didn't think that someone from the weakest sea would know that.

"I set sail to meet you," Zoro continued, making his resolve. He felt wide eyes looking at him, most pirates recognizing him. He could feel his friends' eyes on his back.

"What do you aim for?" Mihawk asked, sitting cross-legged in his boat.

"To be the strongest," Zoro stated tying his bandana. "So let's have a duel!"

"Luffy!" Nami said instantly. "You gotta stop him!"

Luffy didn't reply. He only stared at Mihawk intensely.

"It's him! Zoro! Roronoa Zoro of the three sword style!" Some of the Krieg pirates yelled in the background, recognizing Zoro.

"The pirate hunter?" Don Krieg asked looking at the green-haired man with interest. If he survives he may bring that fool in his crew, Krieg thought.

"Pitiful, weakling," Mihawk said the words standing up from his little boat and walking to the broken wreck of the ship which was still floating and where Zoro stood. "If you're a competent swordsman by any means, then I can demonstrate the clear difference in strength between you and me, without needing to cross blades at all."

"But still you dare to challenge me. Does the bravery come from your conviction..." Mihawk asked Zoro with his hands crossed on his chest. "Or from ignorance?"

"It comes from my ambition and a promise to a friend," Zoro said holding his white sword in his mouth and the other two in each of his hands. "To be honest, I never thought I'd be able to meet you so early on."

"A waste, if you ask me," Mihawk replied nonchalantly.

"The World's one of the strongest swordsmen versus the pirate hunter Zoro!" Zeff announced standing on the railing of his ship and looking at the two men and then to one of the man's captain and crew mates.

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