King of deceptions

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With Luffy stubbornly declaring that Sanji would be the only one to join them as the cook, the crew stayed docked near the Baratie. Each day went by Luffy trying to convince the love cook to join them and Nami getting free meals from the blonde.

Zoro would sometimes stay on the Merry training himself, taking a nap or sometimes coming to the restaurant to have some good alcohol. Nami would try different clothes on Luffy daily, making him dress up to her heart's content and Luffy happily allowed her to do it.

Usopp would hang out with Yosaku and Johnny sometimes, telling them his long tales, and sometimes Luffy would be there to hear them. In all, things were going smoothly but everyone was feeling antsy and wanted to set sail already.

Luffy even considered kidnapping the cook and running off to the Grand Line but he could not do that. He would be a hypo-crate if he did it but he absently realized why Whitebeard liked to kidnap some people and make them join him. Still, he is not gonna kidnap Sanji against his will and will wait until he decides to join them. He didn't want anyone else as their chef. He only wants Sanji!

It was after two days when a surprising incident took place in the Baratie. The diners who were sitting near the window enjoying the view of the ocean freaked out, dropping their glasses of wine or the forks they were holding.

"It's Don Krieg's pirate ship!" One of them yelled loud for the whole restaurant to hear.

The other diners instantly left their seats to confirm the sight for themself. The sight of the flag with two hourglasses at each side. Even the cooks were panicking. Some were even blaming Patty as he was the one to beat the Krieg underling and deny him food. The cooks were starting to believe that the pirate ship was coming to avenge that pirate.

"This is really bad! Shouldn't we be running away?!" Usopp shrieked looking at the ship from one of the windows of the restaurant.

"Let's set sail immediately, Luffy!" Nami said in a pleading tone, not wanting to be killed by the man.

"Gin must have come to repay his debt to you, Sanji!" Luffy said to the blonde cook who was standing beside him and looking at the ship docking at the Baratie. The ship was huge and was shadowing the Baratie even! But it wasn't as big as the Moby Dick.

"Somehow I don't think that's the case.." Sanji said smoking from his cigarette. For once Zoro felt that he could agree with the love cook on this.

"That ship... It's complete shambles!" Zoro said looking at the tattered sails and the chipped-off wood.

"To turn a gigantic galleon of that size into that sad state.. that's no work of humans. They must've been caught up in a natural disaster!" Sanji added.

Somehow Luffy didn't feel that, if the person who was nearing by had something to say in the matter.

After a few moments of wait the door to the restaurant was kicked open. Standing before them was Gin supporting his captain, Don Krieg.

"Sorry for intruding... But could I have some water and food?" The captain, who had purple hair and was wearing a black coat begged. "If it's money you want, I've got plenty."

"What the heck?!" Patty said not believing at the sight of the dangerous and evil pirate literally begging. "That weak, worn-out-looking guy is Krieg?!"

"He looks starved," Luffy mumbled.

"Wonder what happened..." Sanji said his thoughts out loud.

"Don Krieg!" Gin shouted as he saw his captain fall down due to weakness. He turned to the cooks in the Baratie and started begging for his captain. "I am begging you please give him food and water! Please save my captain! Or he will die at this rate!"

The Morning Sun Will Rise!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora