I pull my shirt over my head and slide my shorts off.

When I step in Nina wraps her arms around my waist. Pressing her chest against mine.

"Since we can't have sex for awhile, we can at least relax and cuddle together." Nina says.

She kisses around my chest and I run my hand through her hair.

"It's going to be really hard not lifting you up against the wall and.."

"Nina? Ian?" I hear my mom say.

"Shit." I whisper.

"Uh yeah hold on mom!" I grab a towel and wrap it around me.

I walk out into the bedroom and my mom is standing in the door way.

"Yeah mom?" I say.

"I think Harlow is getting hungry." Mom says.

"Right. She's almost done." I smile at my mom.

"Okay, Nina's mom is going to go grab us all dinner after Nina gets out." Mom starts heading back down stairs.

I walk back into the bathroom as Nina is getting out of the shower.

"Harlow is getting hungry." I tell her.

"I am too." Nina puts the towel around her head.

"Your mom is going to get us dinner." I say.

She grabs a tank top and a pair of shorts and heads back down stairs.


Nina's pov

"Hi my sweet girl." I say to Harlow as mom lays her in my arms.

"Is someone hungry?" I say to her. I pull my tank top strap down and start feeding Harlow.

"What do you and Ian want for dinner?" My mom asks as Ian enters the living room.

"I'm craving a grilled cheese and macaroni from Panera Bread." I say.

"A turkey club sounds good for me." Ian adds.

"Panera Bread? Okay. We will be back soon." My mom and Ian's mom head out the door.

"Our moms are like best friends now." I say to Ian as he sits down beside me.

"Right? They've not left each other's side since they got to the hospital." Ian laughs.

"Excited Grammys." I say.

Harlow finishes eating and I place her in my lap.

"She's so tiny. I don't want her to get any bigger." I play with her little hands.

"Let me see her." Ian holds his arms out and I lay Harlow in his arms.

"You know, she has your nose." Ian touches her nose.

"I wonder if she'll have blue eyes or brown eyes?" I say.

"How long till they change to the actual color?" Ian asks.

"The baby book said about 6 months." I run my finger across her cheek.

"Have you been on Twitter?" Ian asks.

"Ha no." I say.

"Everyone is congratulating us. Harlow is trending as babynian." Ian and I both laugh.

"When should we post a picture of her? And her name?" Ian runs his hand down my arm.

"We should be evil and make them wait." I wink at him.

"So mean!" Ian laughs.

"I don't know, let's just get through this first week with her. Enjoy the time." I kiss his cheek.

"Deal." He smiles.

Harlow yawns and Ian and I both aw.

"Let's lay her in the bassinet." I point to the bassinet near the window.

Ian stands up and walks over and lays Harlow down in the bassinet. He leans down to kiss her little nose.

Watching him with her makes me fall more in love with him.

He comes back over and pulls me into his lap.

"Tired?" He asks.

"No, just hungry." But I yawn anyway.

"They'll be back soon." He smiles and kisses my cheek.

I lay my head down on his chest.

Lynx comes over and sits down in my lap.

"Hi my other sweet girl." I rub her head.

"You know what we need?" Ian says.

"What?" I say back.

"A dog." He smiles.

"Ian, I don't know. I mean we just had a baby. Do we have time for a dog right now?" I say.

"I mean maybe when she's a little bit older we can get one." He adds.

"Better. Just not right now. Not with everything." I lean my head back down.

He rubs my back with his hand and his other lays on top of my stomach. I place my hand on his.

"But I promise, you can have a dog." I smile up at him.

"Thank you Nina." He smiles back.

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