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Hey guys! This is something... different. Obviously, Taehyun isn't apart of Enhypen but I don't know how anyone wouldn't be able to see how smitten Taehyun is with Jungwon. Literally the cutest duo ever and I need more Fics of them pronto!

Also I have literally no idea what their ship name would even be??

For those of you who are like "wtf is this" rn, don't worry, we'll be back to our regularly programmed schedule soon.. 

but for those of you who are like "omg hell yeah" HERE YA GO MWAH<3

EN- joy!       


"Are you nervous Jungwonie?" Jake asks the leader, nudging him with his shoulder and a small smile. Jungwon rolled his eyes as he looked in the mirror, fiddling with his hair, trying to get it styled just right. 

"Why would I be nervous?" Jungwon asks, pouting at the one strand that refuses to curl in the right direction, standing out from the rest of his particularly placed strands of hair. 

"We're meeting TXT sunbaenim," Jake tells him as if Jungwon wasn't the leader and wasn't the one who literally already told them this fact. 

"Yes, thank you for reminding me hyung, I didn't know." He rolled his eyes again before giving up, tucking the strand of hair beneath another one and hoping it stays hidden. He turns to look at Jake who isn't saying anything and just smirking at him. 

"What?" Jungwon asks, turning to their closet to search for his hoodie that he loves wearing every chance he can get. 

"You never really care about your appearance, why now?" Jake asks, resting nonchalantly against the bedpost. 

"Jake hyung," Jungwon warns him, sending him a small glare which causes Jake to hold his hands up as if he was surrendering. Jungwon turns his head when he hears Heeseung laughing from his bed. 

"Is something funny?" Jungwon asks him as he sees the bright red color of his hoodie peeking out from the back of his closet. He reaches for it and smiles when it's finally in his grasp. 

"Don't worry Jungwonie, they're nice guys." Heeseung reassures him and Jungwon huffs out a breath as he pulls on the hoodie. 

"I don't know why you guys keep telling me these things. I'm fine, not nervous." He tells them one more time before turning back to the mirror to adjust his hair once more time before they had to leave. 

"Olay, sure," Jake says once again and Jungwon resists the urge to turn around and flick his hyung on the forehead. 

Jay walks into the room then, the sight of Jungwon leaning over the desk to see himself better in the mirror makes him smirk. "Jungwonie, are you nervous?"

"Oh my god!!"


Obviously Jungwon wouldn't tell his hyungs he was nervous, that just would have given them more reason to tease him. He never told them what he was really thinking about meeting Tomorrow X Together in person. 

Sure, he's seen them before, of course he has. He never told his hyungs, but Jungwon was an avid fanboy of the group before they debuted themselves. 

And yeah... he had a bias. 

And now he was meeting that bias in real life. As colleagues. As people that would eventually run into each other time and time again. He was nervous as fuck. 

His hands were sweating as the staff told them to line up standing beside one another, and he held his breath when he could hear loud voices coming down the hallway. 

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