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For a request for Yunki  ¨̮  


"Yah, Ni-ki, get your clothes off my floor!" Jake yells throughout the dorm as he sees a small pile of clothes he knows for a fact are Ni-ki's. He plops himself on his bed as he waits for the maknae to come in the room. 

What he doesn't expect is for the giant younger boy to run in as fast as he can and practically throw himself on top of Jake, and starts tickling him. 

"Wha-" Jake yells out and practically throws his phone across the room as he squirms from Ni-ki's tickling, laughing until his ribs hurt and as he begs the younger to stop. 

Ni-ki hasn't even said anything. His mouth is open wide in a huge smile as he teases his hyung who begs him to stop, but it's just too funny he doesn't want to. 

Finally, when Ni-ki gets 'tired', he relents and stands up from Jake's bed, laughing at the sight of Jake breathing heavily all worn out, splayed across the mattress. 

"I'm sorry, were you saying something earlier?" Ni-ki asks, feigning innocence as if he didn't just attack the older for almost five minutes. 

Jake just closes his eyes and points to the corner at the small pile of clothes for Ni-ki to take. The younger puts a fake shocked look on his face. "Oopsies, my bad hyungie." He apologizes before taking the clothes and leaving the room. 

Jay walks in a moment after Ni-ki leaves, and just laughs at the sight of Jake laying breathlessly on his bed. 

It was common for the two to just attack each other at random times, and unfortunately it usually ended up with Ni-ki having full control, the younger boy somehow strong enough to win over Jake every time. 

"C'mon Jake, again?" Jay asks with a laugh, but he's not surprised. "Don't worry Jay-ah, I will win one day." Jake answers determinedly.


"Again," the dance instructor called out to the seven boys. 

It was a few days later, and one of the more intense dance practice. Some of them were struggling, but for one of the first times, Ni-ki was struggling the most. 

He just couldn't seem to get it right, and it was slowly building up aggravation in himself. 

Get a grip Nishimura. He scolded himself, shaking out his arms as the seven got back into their places. 

The music started, and he danced with everything that he had, determined not to screw up. 

"No, no, Ni-ki-" The dance instructor cut the music. 

Ni-ki immediately crouched down, covering his face with his hands and groaning out with frustration. 

The six other members had already stopped what they were doing, but were semi-surprised at the sudden outburst of the maknae. 

"Ni-ki," Heeseung reached his arm out, but Ni-ki stood suddenly, shrugging him off. 

"I'm going to the bathroom." He announced, walking out of the practice room with nobody saying a word. 

"Um, take five." The dance instructor said, walking over to drink some water. 

The rest of them scattered around, silently drinking water or checking their phones. They waited for the youngest to come back, but almost ten minutes had passed and he's still not back. 

"I'm gonna go find him," Jungwon said, standing up from where he was seated beside Jay with his back against the mirror. 

"Wait, Jungwonie, I'll go." Jake says, standing up quickly and holding his hand up to tell Jungwon to stay sitting. 

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