Chapter 85: boba

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Once in the safety of my room, I lock my door, collapse on my bed and proceed to scream into my pillow. I was mad, annoyed, and upset. Ever since my brothers left, I've been on the edge of my seat, waiting for them to come back so I could spend some time with them, but now Alex just isn't giving me the time of day.

I get under the covers and mindlessly scroll through my phone, trying to distract myself from whatever I'm feeling.
A couple of minutes later, I heard a knock on my door.

"Can I come in?" Alex asked. I chose to ignore him. He knocked again.
"Emma?" He asked worriedly. "Can I talk to you?"

I felt a bit bad ignoring him, but all feelings of guilt washed away once I remembered how he has told me off just a few minutes ago. He knocked again, but this time he tried to open the door.

He knocked louder. "Sweetheart, I'm getting worried. Please open the door."
I had a feeling he would knock my door down if I kept him waiting any longer, so I begrudgingly got up and unlocked it.

"Why did you lock your door?" Alex asked me, as soon as I opened it.
"Because I wanted to be alone? Aren't you the one who wanted that?" I respond, snarkily.
"I didn't want you to be alone, I wanted you to think about your actions," He argues.
"Yeah, alone."

He sighs, before softening his expression. "Emma, what's wrong? You've been acting odd all day."
I scoff. "I've been acting odd? I've just been wanting to hang out with you, but you're clearly uninterested." I grumble, resisting the urge to go back into my room and slam the door in his face.

"Hun, I'm not disinterested, and you're aware of that." He insists. "I've missed both of you a lot, but work has just been hectic."

"Didn't realise watching a movie was a part of your work," I respond spitefully. Should I just let it go? Yes. Was I going to? No.

"I wasn't lying to you about being too busy to help, Emma."

"Okay?" I say, unconvinced. I looked at him, wanting some sort of explanation like he always expected from me.

He blew out a breath before he responded. "After my meeting had ended, I went to check up on Cole again. He wanted to get out of bed and do something together since he was tired of being stuck in his room all day. I wasn't planning to, since I had another meeting right after, but I didn't want to say no to him since he was finally feeling a little better. We'd only been watching for five minutes before you came in. I have another meeting in around ten."

"Oh," I say softly.
He nods. "I would've come upstairs and helped you, but I would've been in a hurry."

"No, I get it," I admit. "I'm sorry," I say, now feeling bad for having yelled at him.

He smiles at me. "I appreciate your apology." He says. "I want you to apologise to Cole too, for swearing at him." He says, glaring at me.

I nod. "I will. I'm sorry for yelling at you, too."
"You're forgiven." He says, kissing my forehead. "If you want, you can come downstairs and watch with us until I have to go back to work." He offers, but I shake my head.

"It's fine, honestly. I'm in the middle of homework." I lie. I just didn't want to see Cole. I was mad at him for unnecessarily butting in, but at the same time, I was also slightly embarrassed.

"Alright, love. I'll be in my next meeting until dinner, but I promise to help you with your math after, okay?"

As promised, after dinner, Alex came up to my room to help me.
"You said you need help with algebra?" Alex asks as he sits down by my desk.
"Yep!" I confirm, pulling up an extra chair.

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