Chapter 25: lunch

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Emma's POV
I was watching Netflix in my room, eating chips, when Aiden walked in.

"Come on," he said, grabbing the remote off of my bedside table and turning the TV off.
"What?" I asked, confused.

"We're going out for lunch," he said simply, taking my hand and leading me out of the room.
"Why?" I asked, still confused.

He rolled his eyes. "Simple, you, me, lunch, now, let's gooo," he said, dragging me out of the room.

"Wha- okay?" I say, wondering why he randomly decided to take me out to lunch. Maybe because of what I said the other day about us not spending time together.

"Wait, let me get changed," I say, stopping us halfway through the corridor.

"Okay, don't take too long"

I quickly go into my room and change into something decent, and I neaten my hair and quickly touch up my makeup. I know it's just lunch, but I like looking good when I leave the house.

"It's gonna be just us right?" I asked Aiden, once we were in the limo.
"Yep, just some quality brother-sister time" he claims, smiling and ruffling my hair.

"Where are we eating?" I ask him, not sure of where we are going.
"Just some random place, me and Chloe go there all the time, it's really good," he says, glancing at his phone. Texting someone. Probably Chloe.

I sigh and look in the opposite direction. He didn't have to do this if he didn't want to. It seems like we're only going out for lunch because I said we aren't spending enough time together. I bet he'd much rather be with Chloe.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asks me softly, turning my head towards him.
I shake my head. "It's nothing"

He raises an eyebrow. "Come on, you're not a good liar. Tell me, what's wrong? Do you not want to go out to eat?"

I shake my head again. "No, it's not that" I mutter, looking at my lap.
He turns my head towards him, again. "What's wrong love, you can tell me" he tries.

I sigh. "I feel like you don't wanna actually spend time with me, you just feel bad" I mutter, feeling embarrassed.

He looked hurt. "What, no, Emma, that couldn't be further from the truth. I love spending time with you, but I have been preoccupied with Chloe lately. You helped me realise that, and I felt guilty that you felt like I pushed you to the side, when I didn't even realise it. I apologise"  he said sincerely, rubbing my knuckles with his thumb softly.

"Really?" I asked, hopefully.
He nodded softly, smiling. "Positive"

He just then got a text and he checked his phone. "And this is the last text I'm responding to, after that I'm all yours" he claims, quickly sending a message to someone before turning off his phone.

"Was it Chloe?" I asked, curious.
He seemed taken aback, but he affirmed. "Yeah, she wanted to know where we were going"
I nodded.

A few minutes later, we finally reached the place. It looked nice, it was small and cosy.

We entered and sat down at this table. The waiter seemed to recognise my brother. They talked for a minute, before he gave us our menus. The food looked really good.
I saw this salad that looked so delicious, and it's not every day I'm tempted by healthy food, so I ordered it, while Aiden ordered this lobster dish.

We talked for a while, about random stuff, and I told him about school. I complained to him about some of my teachers who he also had and didn't like.
Our food then arrived which was absolutely delicious.

He told me about university, the crap ton of work they'd been giving them, and about Chloe.

We were halfway through our meal, and you'll never believe who came through the door with a stupid smile on her face. Yep. Chloe. What the hell was she doing here? Didn't Aiden say it was just us? Was this some stupid surprise he thought I'd enjoy? I felt the anger rise in me, about to yell my lungs out at this chick, then at Aiden when he suddenly spoke up.

"Chloe? What are you doing here?" He questioned, as in much disbelief as I was.
"I wanted to surprise you babe!" She said cheerily. "Hey Emma!"
I grit my teeth. "Hi Chloe" I manage.

Aiden squeezes my hand, and she makes her way to our table.

"I'm sorry if I'm intruding, but I have an interview to go to, and I had to grab some lunch on the way, and I figured you were coming here, and I wanted to double check so I could say hi" Chloe quickly explained herself, probably after seeing the sour expression on my face.

"It's alright honey, I'm glad to see you, I hope your interview goes well" my brother said softly, bending over to kiss her as she sat down. Gross.

I rolled my eyes. "A job? Please, we all know you live off of my brother" I muttered, apparently not-so-under my breath.

Aiden turned his head around to look at me so quickly, it looked like it'd fall off.
"Excuse me?" He said, looking absolutely furious.

I'm not too scared of Aiden. I mean I am but I was brave enough to basically call his girlfriend a gold digger so.

Chloe turned bright red, and looked away from us. I grinned and I felt a harsh smack on my thigh.

"Ouch!" I complained, trying my best to glare at Aiden while rubbing the sting out of my thigh.

What was his problem? I wasn't the one butting in on two people wanting to have lunch.

"Sorry about her chlo, she didn't mean it" he apologised to her angrily, glaring at me.

I just rolled my eyes. "I did mean it" I muttered again, much quieter than last time, but only Aiden heard.

He bent in close to me, an inch away from my face.

"I'm not sure what's gotten into you young lady, but you better fix your attitude before I fix it for you. In front of everyone" he hissed angrily in my ear.

Did he just threaten to spank me? In front of an entire restaurant?

Chloe gave him a quick smile in response to his apology, but she didn't say anything, which made me feel a teensy bit bad. The waiter came with a menu and she ordered something, and I just couldn't hold back what I was thinking.

"So you're staying? Lovely, we totally wanted you here" I remark sarcastically, leaning back in my chair loudly.

Aiden looked even more furious than earlier, he was about to bend towards me, which made me inch back in my seat even more, when the waiter spoke up.

"And you'd like this served for now, correct?" He asked, scribbling something in his notepad.

"Oh uhm, no, I'll just take a parcel" she said in a hushed tone.
He nodded and left our table.

"Come on babe, you can eat here, it's alright. Emma's just being moody, don't take notice" he said softly, taking her hand in his.

She smiled at him sadly, and pulled her hand away.
"No it's okay, I should really get going" she replied.
She got up with her handbag, collected her parcel and left.

The second she left, aiden ever so slowly turned to face me. Crap.

Authors note: hey guys! I'm so so sorry about the irregular updates, but I am still a student and I've been having exams. I have another 2 sets of exams so I might not update that regularly, but I'll definitely try!
Another thing is that I need ideasss! I definitely have a lot but I do want some character development before I use my ideas, so if you guys have any suggestions or ideas, please please let me know!

Thank you so incredibly much for 23k views! It means the world to me that people are actually reading my story! So please, vote for the chapter if you enjoy, and follow me! It really helps to motivate me!

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