Chapter 35: lecture

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I slowly walked back to my class, dreading what I was gonna have to face when I got home.
The teacher let me in and I entered the classroom. I was worried that Holly was gonna be mad at me, but she looked at me systematically. She could probably tell by my face that something had happened.

I went and sat down next to her, and she gave me a "what happened?" look.
I didn't want to risk being caught talking again, even if it was in another class. So I grabbed a piece of paper to write on.

Im so sorry I got your phone taken away, but don't worry, mrs harris said she'd give it back. basically my brother was called to sign something, and Mrs Harris told him that I'd skipped and I was using a phone, so needless to say I'm in trouble.

I folded the paper and discreetly handed it to her. I didn't tell her everything but I could later.
She quickly read what I'd written, and she gave me a quick nod and a sympathetic smile.

The class soon ended, much too soon for my liking. I'd have to go home soon.
I was walking to my next class, and I saw Isabelle looking really upset.

"Hey isa, what's wrong?" I ask her, as she slammed her locker shut.

"Apparently Some idiot was using their phone in class and probably didn't do a good job of hiding it. I had Mrs Jenkins class now, and she checked everyone's bags for their phones!" She said frustrated.

"Now literally everyone, including me got their phones taken away! Now everyone's parents have to come and collect them" she complained.

I gulped. See, The school had a strict "no phone" policy, but a few parents complained that their kids live far away from the school, and they need it for emergencies. So, since then, the school decided that kids who needed it, could bring their phones with them. But the kids who did, had to hand it in to the school office first thing in the morning. You can probably guess how many people actually followed that.

Alex doesn't even know. Well, Alex knew that phones weren't allowed in the first place, but he let Cole take it for safety reasons, but he strictly told him not to use it.
Now he doesn't know they're meant to be given to the front office. If he knew, he'd totally tell us to do that, so me and Cole decided to keep that between us.
Now every teacher was probably going to check everyone's bags, because of me.

"Well, I'll talk to you later em, I've got to go" Isabelle says, grumpily leaving to her next class.
I sigh. Hopefully no one will know it was my fault.

Luckily, for the rest of the day no other teacher checked anyone's bags for phones. But the principal did make an announcement, reminding everyone about the phone rule.

The end of the day came quicker than I would've liked. I wish the teacher would've given me detention today.

After school ended I got in the limo, and a few minutes later Cole came too.
I told him everything that happened, from the texting in class to what transpired in Mrs Harris's class room.

"Oh my god Emma, Alex is going to destroy you" he said, shaking his head.
I slump back in my seat. "I know"

"You could've just waited for your phone and none of this would've happened y'know"
I roll my eyes at him. "Shut up okay, I don't need to hear it from you too" I sass, slumping back in my seat.

He raises his hands in surrender, and the rest of the car trip is silent.
We soon reach home, and before we go inside, Cole gives me a "good luck"

I sigh and we step inside, only to find Noah sitting by the island in the kitchen, waiting for me.
As soon as he sees me, he narrows his eyes at me, saying nothing.

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