Chapter 15: caught

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"What?" He asked me, surprised by my response.
"You heard me, let's get our phones back!" I said excitedly.

"I don't know em, what if we get caught?" Cole said hesitantly.

"Come on, you said it yourself, you've never been caught," I said, trying to reason with him.

"I know. But the thing is now it's both of us. If we get caught we'll both get punished, plus you don't know where he hides our phones. I do and Alex knows that, so if we get our phones back and he catches us, he'll know it was my idea and I told you. Then he'll punish me even more" he explained to me.

I thought about it. "Pleaseee Cole, come on, if we get caught I'll tell Alex that It was my idea, and you just told me about where our phones are. I'll take the blame, please" I pleaded with him.

He sighed, then smiled. "Alright let's do it"
"Great!" I squealed.

"So, right next to his bed, you know the big white cupboard?" He asked me, and I nodded.
"Alright, so when you open it, there's a secret compartment inside, it's pretty small and it slides up. Inside, our phones will be there. I don't know where he keeps our laptops though." Cole said to me.

"Alright, we'll go, you get the phones and I'll be on the lookout to see if Alex wakes up."
Cole agreed and we quietly left his room.

It was pitch black in the corridor, and a few steps away from Alex's room, I stubbed my toe on something.

I bit my lip to not make a noise, and Cole grabbed my hand to guide me.
He slowly opened our big brother's door, and we made it inside. It was a bit brighter in Alex's room, which made it easier for us.

We tiptoed to his bed, and Cole opened his cupboard gently and pulled the door of the secret compartment and very quietly took our phones out and closed it.
He closed the cupboard, then tapped my shoulder to signal that he'd got it. Then we left the room and very cautiously closed his door. We bolted for his room, and once we were in we High fived.

"I can't believe we got away with that!" I said excitedly to him.

"Yeah well, we still have to keep them back so," he said, which made me a little less relieved.
"Hopefully it goes smoothly," I said, not too worried as we had easily taken them. "How long are you gonna stay up for?" I asked him, wondering if we'd put the phones back together.
"I don't know, maybe till 12" he replied.

"Alright when one of us wants to sleep, we'll go together and Put them back," I said.
"Or we'll give our phone to the other sibling, and when they decide to sleep, they'll put both of them back" Cole suggested.

"I'm not sure if I can go alone, I mean you've done it before but I didn't even do it today, I didn't even watch you"

"Fine then, we'll figure it out later, when one of us decides to sleep," he says.

I agreed and then I left his room. I turned my light off, got under the covers and texted Steph.
About one and a half hours later, I felt my door open. My heart skipped a beat, but it was Cole.

"Hey it's me, I'm sleeping now, do you want to put your phone back too?"
I agreed as I was getting sleepy, so we successfully went and put our phones back.

Cole made sure to keep the phones in the exact position they were when we took them.

I was a bit nervous going to bed, I mean what if Alex found out? We'd be dead meat.
I was tired though, so despite my worrying, I fell asleep.

The next morning when I woke up, I was a bit nervous to go downstairs, in case Alex found out somehow.

I got up, took a nice warm shower, and put some comfy clothes on. I brushed my hair out and went downstairs nervously.

Alex and Aiden were eating breakfast when I came down. Luckily my brothers weren't strict about waking up and eating breakfast at the same time, so we usually ate when we wanted to.
Aiden wished me a good morning and left the table. I had wanted to ask him about his girlfriend, but I guess I could later, I was too nervous now anyway.

"Morning em, sleep well?" Alex asked me, sipping his coffee, and looking at his phone.

I felt a huge relief the second he said that, we hadn't been caught! I smiled at him and told him I had. I was pretty hungry, so I asked the chef for eggs and bacon and sat down.

"How many worksheets did you do last night Emma?" Alex asked me, looking up from his phone.

I gulped. I hadn't done any, I hadn't even read it. "Uhm I finished the first one" I lied to him, hoping he'd believe it.

He smiled at me, not questioning my lie, which made me a bit guilty. "Good, but you still have a lot to do, so get to work after breakfast," he told me.

"Okay but can I get my phone back?" I asked him. Whenever I and Cole ask for our phones back, he has them in his pockets, so I assume he takes them when he wakes up.

He sighed. "Alright, here you go, but make sure to finish your worksheets," he said sternly while handing my phone back to me.

I smiled at him, opened my phone and messaged Daisy. I really missed her, she was like my sister, and my best friend, despite being a couple of years younger than me.

"I'm Going out for a few hours, okay?" Alex told me. "Be good" he said and left the room.
"Bye Alex!" I yelled after him.

I was about to get up to put my plate away when Cole came downstairs. He looked a bit nervous too, but he immediately relaxed upon seeing the phone in my hands.

"Where's Alex," he asked me, sitting down.
"He went out, he won't be back for a few hours" I said.

I put my plate away and sat on the single-seater couch which was opposite the dining table.

I opened Stephanie's chat and messaged her, she was telling me about this cute guy she liked, and she was planning to ask him out, so I was engrossed in our conversation.

Just then Liam came downstairs. He had woken up earlier, but he was in his room.
"Morning Cole, em," he said, but I didn't respond as I was hooked to my phone.
"Who are you texting Emma?" He asked, curious.

"No one" I muttered and got up to go upstairs so I could text Steph in peace.
But I felt someone grab my phone from behind me, it was Liam.

I turned back to look at him and he was grinning evilly, holding my phone in the air.
"Ugh Liam, give it back" I whined, trying to get it back.

"Go ahead take it" he said teasingly, glancing at my phone, still holding it In the air.
He suddenly stopped smiling and bought the phone to his face.

"Emma, why the hell were you talking to someone at 1 Am?"
Oh fuck.

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