Chapter 23: consequences

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Emma's POV
The second I left the room I felt Noah yank me by my shoulder, spin me around and pin me to his stomach. He then proceeded to lay 5 very sharp smacks on my butt.

"Ow!" I shrieked, throwing my hands back, Trying to rub the sting out of my butt. He smacked me hard! 

"You are in so much trouble little girl, I told you not to leave and yet you did! All I asked you was why you sassed your teacher and refused to do the work, you didn't need to give me attitude and leave my room!" He scolded me fiercely, pulling me away.

"And all I asked you was to sign the stupid slip" I muttered angrily.

He yanked my chin up, forcing me to look at him.

Looking enraged, he asked me. "Would you like to repeat that snarky comment to my face young lady?"

I met his fierce glare bravely.

"That's what I thought" he hissed, taking a hold on my shoulders. He was angry.
He marched me to the corner of the room and told me to stay there. I bet he was going to talk to Alex. Great.

A minute later, I heard the door open and Noah spun me around to look at him. He glared at me angrily, sending chills down my spine. He didn't utter a word as he directed me towards his bed. He pushed me on it softly, and he stood in front of me, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What were you thinking Emma? Acting like that with a teacher, that's unacceptable behaviour! Just because we aren't there at your school doesn't mean you can act however you want!" He scolded me angrily.

I dug my toes into the carpet, silently begging for the ground to swallow me. I looked down, not wanting to meet my brother's glare.

The second I did that, he grabbed my wrist, stood me up, bent me over the bed and smacked my butt.
Ouch! What was that for?

"You should know by now that you need to look at us when we're talking to you. I'm not reminding you again" he snarled.

I held back tears, as Noah continued lecturing me.

He sighed and picked up a wooden spoon which was literally right next to me. How the hell did I not notice it? I shuddered, remembering how much it stung the last time I was spanked with it.

"Stand up Emma" he ordered, tapping the floor with his foot.
I didn't. I was too in shock.

He shook his head and grabbed my bicep, standing me up.

"Bend over the bed Emma, I'm not going to ask you twice" he threatened, so I obliged.
"If you don't stay in position, I'll just start over"

He immediately began to relentlessly rain down swat after swat with that horrid spoon, and he soon bought me to tears. He smacked me in random places on my bottom, focusing more on my sit spots.

"I'm extremely disappointed in you Emma, I thought you knew better than that" he scolded quietly, which was the first thing he had said to me after he started walloping me with that spoon. And that broke my heart, hearing him say that, so I started crying even harder, but that didn't stop him.

With each smack landing harshly on my poor butt, I could feel the sting increase quickly, and I began squirming, not daring to move out of position though as I fully believed he would follow through on his threat.

A few smacks later, he stopped, but only to pull my pants down.

I gripped the bedsheets tightly, still bawling my eyes out as not having my pants to protect my butt amplified the pain. I was praying he would stop or at least talk, somehow the silence made it much worse. As if hearing my thoughts, he began talking.

"You are not to disrespect your teachers like that ever again!" He chided in between swats.
"Do you understand me?" He asked me, still smacking me.
"Y-yeah" I managed to blubber.

Thwack!  He laid a particularly hard swat, causing me to shriek loudly in pain.
"Wanna try that again?"

"Y-yes sir" I blurted out, wailing loudly.
I felt Noah pick me up and he hugged me tightly, he ran his fingers in my hair.

Noah's POV

It broke my heart to see my baby sobbing like that, especially knowing it was because of me. But I didn't have a choice, she was being extremely rude to me and two of her teachers, we can't just let her behaviour go uncorrected, no matter how much it hurts us.

I pulled her pants up and whispered sweet nothings into her ear to calm her down. She was crying uncontrollably, apologising profusely. She finally calmed down enough for me to take her to my bathroom and clean her face. Her eyes were puffy and her face was all red from crying, again breaking my heart.

I know I'm hard on her, but it's for her own good. I hope that she'll understand when she's older.

I carried her to my bed, her cries had died down to sniffles at this point. I propped her up on my lap, her butt between my legs. She rested her head on my chest and I rocked her gently. She looked like she was going to fall asleep. I understood, she'd had a long day after all.

"I'm sorry" she whispered sleepily.
"Honey, you don't need to apologise anymore, you're all forgiven, okay?"
She nodded softly, and a few minutes later she fell asleep.

I carried Emma to her room and put her on her bed gently and tucked her in. I gave her a kiss on her forehead and left.

I went to my room and signed the detention slip, and put it in her room. Then l went downstairs to get some work done in my office. I had already told Alex earlier that I would spank her myself, especially after how mouthy she was with me.

Emma's POV

I woke up, sat up and rubbed my eyes, then I noticed I was in my bed. I figured Noah carried me.

My butt was throbbing, I shot out of bed immediately. I took my phone and scrolled through Instagram for a while, too embarrassed to go downstairs.

I finally did and met Liam on the sofa, watching something on the TV.

"Hey em, how you feeling?" He asked me, pausing whatever he was watching.

I just groaned and he chuckled. He stretched his arm out, inviting me to sit next to him.
I plopped down next to him and snuggled close to him and he wrapped his arm around me.

"Do you have any homework?" He asked me.
I nodded in response.

"Come on then, I have some work to do as well, we can do it together" he said, and that's just what we did.

Authors note: hey everyone, I'm incredibly sorry for not updating sooner, I've had a lot going on. With that being said, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did, please consider following me, commenting, and voting for it!

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