Chapter 57: stealing

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"Your brother is coming," she said, putting the phone down. She asks me to hand her the sneakers, and I take them off and give them to her. She scowls at me before handing them back to the worker.

"I'll deal with you after, go sit over there" she orders Tate, pointing him to a chair in the corner.
He slowly walks over, and he gives me an apologetic look as he does.

Around 10 horrible minutes later, Alex shows up. To say he's furious is an extreme understatement.

"I am so sorry Ma'am. I will-" Alex blabbed on to the woman. Again, I didn't pay much attention. It took a lot for Alex to convince her to not call the cops, a lot of money to be exact.

He then turned to me. "Let's go" He ordered, his voice low and rumbly.
I meekly stood up, apologised to the woman and the store worker, and the security guy, then we left. All eyes were on us, as Alex had an iron-strong grip on my shoulder as he marched us out of the store. He practically pushes me into his car as he gets in the driver's seat.

I can feel the anger radiating off of him as he quickly drives us home.
"When we get home, I want you in your room, pants down, over your desk. Am I clear?" He hissed.

"Yes sir" I mumble.
Once we get home, I dash out of his car and into my room. Usually, I argue, a lot, but he was royally pissed, I was not wanting to make it any worse.

I pulled my trousers down and bent over my desk in my boxers, waiting for Alex to come.
It was beyond humiliating waiting in this position, he didn't come upstairs for 15 minutes.

"Fucking hell" I mutter, standing up. And just my luck, it was at that moment Alex walked in, and he was not happy.

"What instructions did I give you?!" He asked furiously.
"To bend over my desk," I say, quickly bending over.

"Thought so" he grumbled. The sound of him pulling his belt through the loops sent chills down my spine.

"Would you like to tell me what in the hell possessed you to try and shoplift, or do you want me to start right with the punishment?"

"I h-have no explanation, I was just being stupid. I knew it was wrong" I say truthfully, my voice wobbling.

"This is going to be horrible Cole, I'm warning you. Shoplifting is a serious crime, it could lead you to going to juvie. I don't care why you did it, but if you do it once, you'll keep on doing it and wind up in jail. Is that what you want?!" He yells angrily.

"N-no sir" I mumble.

"Well, I'm going to spank the thought of ever shoplifting again out of you. This will be bad, but it's much better than going to jail"

He puts his hand on my back, and I look down, bracing myself for the impact.
Whack! He lands the belt extremely hard on my ass. I yell out and try not to jump up as he rests the horrid piece of leather. "You better get comfortable, you'll be here for a while," he says coldly.

"Do you realise how bad this could've ended?" He asked me, striking the belt on my ass over and over, quick, hard, but excruciating strokes.

"I do" I reply, tears already threatening to fall down my face.
"Good," he says, pausing for a minute, allowing me to catch my breath as I feel the heat spread all over my ass and thighs. "Now I'll just let my belt do the talking"

He stayed true to his word. He kept on swinging the belt over and over again, not letting up the intensity whatsoever, I could feel the wicked leather striping my flesh. Tears were streaming down my face, and the only noise that filled the room was my yells and the belt painfully connecting with my butt. He continued this for a few minutes straight, not showing any signs of stopping.

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