Chapter 36: hurt

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"Do you understand what you did wrong?" He asked
I nod. "I do"

"Good. Now drop your pants and get over my lap" he orders firmly, with a stone cold expression.

I feel a knot in my stomach, and I start to beg. "Please Noah, I promise I won't lie again, don't  spank me!" I cried, praying he would maybe reconsider.

He pursed his lips. "Emma, you're getting this punishment whether you like it or not. Now drop your pants and lay over my lap."

I still don't comply "please Noah, I'm sorry!" I whine.

He narrows his eyes at me. "Little girl, if you make me ask you again, you will not like the consequences, trust me." He threatens.

But I just couldn't bring myself to move, I just stand there. He sighs and takes my hand, pulling me toward him. He pulled my pants down and positioned me over his lap.

I gulp and he rests his hand on my butt, then he quickly raised it and bought it down harshly. He repeats this action for about a minute, my butt getting sorer and sorer with each smack.

"Owwwww!" I shriek, squirming uncontrollably.

He continued to lay rapid smacks on my semi unprotected bum, at random spots, so I never knew where the next one was coming.

"Owwww! Noah please stoop" I whine, kicking my legs, tears quickly welling up in my eyes.
"We're barely getting started emma" he says coldly.

I start to cry softly. He rests his hand on my butt, giving me a second to breathe.
"That was for talking and texting in class" he says.

"I'm sorry" I sob.

I felt his fingers hook the waistband of my panties, as he pulled them down to my knees.
Wasn't this humiliating enough? I'd never been spanked bare before!
I feel my cheeks flush red, as I grip his pant leg in an effort to endure the blistering pain in my bottom.

"Smack! You Smack! are Smack! never Smack! to Smack! use Smack! your Smack!phone Smack! in Smack! class Smack! again! Smack! Smack! Smack!" Noah scolded, while delivering particularly harsh smacks to my poor butt.

I shriek loudly through my tears and I throw my hand over my butt in attempts to protect it, but Noah grabbed it and pinned my arm to my back, then did the same with the other. This made the position I was in even more uncomfortable. I try and tug to free my arms, but he had an iron grip on them.

"Stop resisting Emma, you're just gonna make this worse for yourself" he scolded, laying a hard smack on my thighs, which I responded to with a yelp.

He wastes no time and starts delivering insanely harsh smacks to my thighs and sit spots. It didn't help that the one piece of protection I had was gone too. My tears were now streaming down my face, as I'm kicking my legs.

He then thankfully stops and lets my arms go. I'm sobbing uncontrollably even though he didn't even use the brush yet.

The carpet beneath me was stained with my tears, which don't seem to stop falling.
I feel the heat radiating off of my butt cheeks, and it takes every fibre in my body to not reach back and rub. He stays silent for a couple minutes as I regain myself. I'm still softly crying when he speaks up.

"That was for skipping class and using your phone. You do realise your punishment would've ended here if you didn't decide to lie?" he informs me coldly.

I nod softly and choke back a sob as I hear him reach for the spoon. He rests the cold wood on my very hot butt, which in itself causes me to flinch slightly. I held my breath as he lifted it up in the air, and brought it down forcefully.

I shrieked loudly at the intensity of that whack, Noah's hand isn't even comparable to that awful spoon. He continues to thrash my bottom with that spoon relentlessly for a couple minutes, especially focusing on my sit spots. I was sobbing, praying he'd stop.

"You swat! need to swat! learn swat! that swat! lying swat! will swat! not swat! save swat! you from swat! the situations swat! you manage put swat! yourself swat! in, it'll swat! only swat! make swat! it worse. swat! swat! Blatantly swat! lying swat! Is swat! absolutely swat! swat! unacceptable swat! and will swat!not swat! be tolerated! swat! swat! swat!" He lectured sternly, striking the spoon harshly all over my butt between every word. With each swat I can feel the stinging and burning sensation in my butt intensify.

I am a sobbing mess by now. I put my face in my hands as I try to apologise but I can't seem to talk.
Noah puts his hand on my back, rubbing it gently for a moment, then removing it. He pulls up my panties gently and I wince when the fabric makes contact with my butt. He gives me a few minutes to calm down.

"Stand up Emma" he ordered. I reluctantly got up. Thinking it was over, I reached back to rub my burning ass, but he caught my wrists and held them.

"Bend over the table Emma" he instruct firmly.
"N-no please no more" I beg, beginning to cry again.
His face softens slightly as he rubs my hand affectionately.

"It'll be quick. You can pull your pants back up"
I nodded and slowly pulled my pants back up, knowing that even though they'd help slightly, it'd still hurt like hell.

He glanced towards the table, signalling me to go. Not wanting to do anything that'd cause any more punishment, I complied and reluctantly bent over the table.

I dig my nails into my palms as I hear the sound of Noah removing his belt and doubling it. I tense, dreading the soon to come inevitable pain.
"I'm only giving you five with the belt. I expect you to count after each one. If you don't count, I'll start right back over from zero. I want your hands to be on the table at all times. You move once, and I'm calling someone to hold you down. Do I make myself clear?"

"Y-yes sir"

I hear him audibly exhaling, and without any warning, he strikes the belt. I shriek loudly and jolt forward, from the sheer force of that first stroke.


He lands it again, on my sit spot this time. I yell loudly, resisting the urge to jump up.

"Twooo" I hiss, digging my nails into my palms.


I let out a sob. "T- three"


I could feel the leather striping my flesh. "Oww! F-four!" I shriek

"Last one" he says, and rests the belt on my butt, keeping it still for a moment.

He suddenly raised it and landed it fiercely on my ass. "Ouuuchh! F-fiivee" I sob, breaking down into tears. My butt felt like it was on fire. I hear Noah toss the belt on the bed. I slowly stood up, still facing the wall, not wanting to face him.

He comes towards me and tries to pull me into a hug, but I push him away.
"C-can I p-please l-leave?" I manage to say through my sobs.

Noah looks disheartened, as I usually always want comfort after a punishment.
He nods silently as I quickly leave his room. I rush down the corridor, not wanting anyone to see me how I was. I ran into my room, shut the door and jumped on my bed. I buried my face in my pillow and cry my eyes out.

Authors note: I'm sorry if this chapter wasn't as good as usual. I had a lot of trouble writing it for some reason, so I apologise. Nevertheless, I hope you guys enjoy! Love y'all!

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