Chapter 18

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"Fair warning, we've had a couple of glasses of wine." Biana said as she led Dex the way in Fitz's home.
"Uhm... so are you guys drunk or?" Dex questioned.
"I don't think so." Biana said, shrugging.
"But this is important, and Elowyn definitely won't be back until tomorrow! Whenever she goes to party with her friends place, she passes out there and sleeps in until the afternoon!"
Dex hummed, unsure how he felt about this.

Biana cleared her throat as she entered the living room where Keefe and Fitz were sat.
"May I present, Dexter Dizznee~!" Biana exclaimed, stepping aside and showing off Dex.
Dex blinked at Biana.
"Erm... Hi?" Dex smiled at Keefe and Fitz.

"Hey Dexter!" Keefe exclaimed, getting up.
"Thanks for coming by so I can go back home early to my husband!"
"Is that the main reason you wanted Dex in my home?" Fitz questioned, looking at Keefe.
"... Sort of." Keefe grinned at Fitz.
"But anyway! You two boys have fun~! Biana and I will be on our way!"
Keefe made his way to Biana and wrapped his arm around her.
"Bye~!" Biana giggled at Dex and Fitz.

"They're drunk." Dex sighed watching as Biana and Keefe walked off.
"They had more wine than I did." Fitz said.
Dex turned around and looked at Fitz.
"Mmh, so you're not drunk?" Dex asked as he made his way over to the couch where Fitz was sat on.
"Sober enough to make decisions I won't regret in the morning but drunk enough to have that confidence to speak my mind or my heart." Fitz smiled at Dex as he sat down next to him.
"That's the best kind of drunk to be." Dex sighed, leaning back against the couch.

"So your wife is away at a party?"
Fitz scoffed.
"Don't get me started." Fitz mumbled.
"She claims that since I made her go to Keefe and Tam's wedding, that she can go ahead and go out whenever she'd like with her friends."
Dex furrowed his eyebrows.
"Wow, I can see why you love her." Dex said, using a sarcastic tone.
"Mmh. Yeah." Fitz grumbled.

"Dex, I just want to say that I'm sorry for telling you that I never got over you." Fitz said, shuffling in his seat to face Dex.
"You just recently broke up with Wyatt. And even though my marriage is just... thriving, I shouldn't have said that."
Dex raised his eyebrows.

"Why do you think I broke up with Wyatt?" Dex asked.
Fitz blinked at Dex.
"Uhm..." Fitz looked at Dex blankly.
Dex rubbed the back of his neck.
"My emotions were extremely overwhelming when I saw you again." Dex said.
"And... well, then I became confused about my feelings. I love Wyatt now, but not in the way I loved you. With Wyatt, it's... I feel like I only got with him because I felt as though... with him I could finally move on. I did like him, he was very charming but... seeing you just brought back all these feelings and thoughts and memories and-"

Dex stopped himself as he looked at Fitz. Fitz's cheeks seemed a little pink and he seemed unsure what to say. Dex's cheeks turned red from embarrassment.
"... I don't think I've ever gotten over you either. "Dex shrugged.
"I think I buried those emotions deep down and since you weren't around and I couldn't see you, I couldn't talk to you, then I forgot how strong my feelings were."
Dex began to fiddle with his fingers now.
"So... I broke up with Wyatt to figure myself out. But we're still good friends because I do care for him. Just... not as much as I-"

Fitz grabbed Dex's face, cupping his cheeks and he leaned in, pressing their lips together. Dex was definitely surprised by it at first and he slowly sunk into the kiss. Dex gently shut his eyes as he held his hands over Fitz's.
The kiss only lasted for a few seconds before Fitz pulled away.
"... I'm sorry, I totally cut you off there." Fitz said, looking at Dex.
Dex smiled as he bit his lower lip.

"Sparks." Dex said.
Fitz furrowed his eyebrows, clearly confused on what Dex was on about.
"Those sparks were... crazier than the first time we kissed."
Fitz bit his lower lip and smiled.
"... Yeah. They were." Fitz said, gently holding onto Dex's hands as he uncupped Dex's face.

Dex glanced down and he looked at the wedding ring around Fitz's finger.
"... Fitz? "Dex looked back up at Fitz.
Fitz tilted his head. "Yeah?"
Dex took his hands away from Fitz's.
"What matters most to you?" Dex asked, tilting his head at Fitz.
Fitz froze for a moment. He stayed silent for a few moments and Dex sort of smiled.

"It's a simple question, Fitz." Dex said, his tone slightly teasing.
Fitz bit his inner cheek.
"... Being happy and 'selfish' matters most to me." Fitz said.
Dex raised his eyebrows.
"Mmh... I definitely like that answer better than the one you gave me all those years ago." Dex smiled.
Fitz smiled back.
"I like it better too." Fitz nodded.

Fitz was about to lean in but Dex gently pushed Fitz away.
"Nuh-uh. You're still married. One kiss, that was in the heat of the moment. Two kisses? It feels like you're playing a harsh game." Dex said.
Fitz hummed.
"... Yeah, good point." Fitz said, leaning back.
Dex softly sighed as he got up.

"Well, I should probably leave. Uhm... once you've done what you've had to do. Hail me, okay?" Dex smiled at Fitz.
Fitz rubbed the back of his neck.
"Will do. Sir Dex." Fitz grinned.
Dex rolled his eyes as he dug through his pockets for his crystal home.
"Bye, Lord Fitz." Dex waved.
"Bye." Fitz waved back.
Dex raised his crystal and he light-leap away.

Fitz knew he should've felt guilty for kissing Dex. He knew he should've. But all he felt was pleasure. Happiness. Something he hasn't felt in years. Something he hasn't felt at all in his marriage.

Did that make Fitz a bad guy?

Fitz looked down at his wedding ring on his finger and he sighed as he delicately slipped the golden ring off.
He needed to talk to Biana about all of this first, and then to Elowyn.


Word count: 1062

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