Chapter 2

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Fitz stared at himself in the mirror. He fixed the collar of his shirt and sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair.
He knew that his matches had already started to arrive with their parents and he was absolutely nervous about this. He felt nauseous. He was ready to just throw up and call it off, reschedule it for another day or just forget about it-
Fitz snapped out of his thoughts as there was a knock on the door.

"Uh, come in." Fitz said, not sounding as happy as he wanted to be.
The door opened.
"Awh, don't you look handsome?"
Fitz looked at himself in the mirror and saw Keefe approaching behind him.
"This is ridiculous." Fitz said.
Keefe sighed as he rested his head on Fitz's shoulder from behind.
"This is happening because you let Dexter go-" Keefe began.
"Don't remind me." Fitz scowled.
Keefe looked at Fitz in the mirror and noticed his hands.

"...Don't you think you should get rid of that ring?" Keefe mumbled, staring at the ring Fitz had on his finger, the ring that Dex had made him.
"It's been over a year, Fitz."
Keefe felt a mix of emotions from Fitz and he frowned.
Fitz held his hand up and looked at the ring, frowning at it.
"Keefe, I don't want to let go of it." Fitz whispered.
"He made it for me, and I can''s..."
Keefe gently took Fitz's hand and held it.

"I'm not saying throw it away." Keefe sighed.
"I meant...put it in a box or something. I mean, you don't want to press the button-"
Keefe applied pressure to the button of the ring and the image of Dex, who looked completely different than he did over a year ago, appear with his hands in the shape of a heart.
"-and suddenly your future girlfriend will see a dude you used to date and then become...well...a bit weirded out."
Fitz stared at the image and he let out a shaky breath as he looked at the image which faded away as soon as Keefe took the pressure away from the button on the ring.

"You make a point." Fitz mumbled.
Keefe didn't like the shameful emotions from Fitz.
"Do you want me to hang around the Gala? Be by your side?" Keefe asked.
"No, no...I'll have Biana with me when I'm not dancing with my matches." Fitz shook his head.
"But, if you could just...stay here until it's over?"
Fitz looked at Keefe. Keefe smiled at Fitz.
"Sure, I'll just hail Tam until you come back up and tell me how boringg the Gala was and what kind of girl your dad set you up with!" Keefe exclaimed.
Fitz smiled and turned around, facing Keefe who lifted his head from his shoulder.
"I can't wait to complain to you." Fitz said.

Fitz looked back down at his hand and he bit his lower lip as he slipped the ring off his finger.
"Keep a hold of this until I get back up and find somewhere to put it, okay?" Fitz asked, holding the ring towards Keefe.
Keefe held his palm out and Fitz placed the ring in his palm.
"Sure." Keefe nodded.
"Uh, seriously Fitzter...try and find someone you'll erm...learn to love." 
Fitz managed to smile and nodded. "That'll probably be impossible but okay."
Keefe wanted to make a comment but Fitz sighed as he turned towards his door.
"I'll see you in a few hours, Keefe."
"Uh, yeah! See you in a few hours!" 
Keefe watched as Fitz exited the room and he sighed as he looked at the ring in his palm.

Keefe wished that Fitz didn't make the decision to break up with Dex a year ago, but... well, it's not as if Keefe couldn't have stopped him. And if Dex somehow wasn't able to convince Fitz to fight for them? Well...what could Keefe have done if he were there?


"This is tiring." Biana sighed, interlocking her arm with Fitz's.
"Tell me about it." Fitz sighed, taking a sip of some punch they had out.
Biana looked around at all of the girls who were on Fitz's match list, who were talking to each other, or their parents, or they were talking to Della and Alden.
"So, how many of them have you danced with?" Biana asked.
"Uh, too many." Fitz said.
"...So like 5?" Biana questioned, smiling at Fitz.
Fitz laughed and smiled at Biana.
"Maybe a little more than that." Fitz sighed.

"Any of them catch your interest?" Biana asked, taking Fitz's cup of punch and sipping it.
"Uhm...that's my punch." Fitz said, raising an eyebrow at Biana.
"Our punch now!" Biana smiled at Fitz.
Fitz sighed as he glanced around.
"They're all trying so hard to please me." Fitz said.
"It's annoying."
Biana laughed.

"Pfft, god, imagine how I feel? Some of them keep coming up to me and are asking me if I could put in a good word to you because apparently we've always been good friends." Biana rolled her eyes.
"God, some of these girls are-" Fitz began.
"Bitches?" Biana huffed.
"...Not the word I was gonna use..." Fitz said, smiling at Biana.
Biana smiled at Fitz.
"I'm not wrong though~!"

Both Fitz and Biana looked over to their father who called Fitz over.
Alden was there with Lord Vincent and Elowyn. Biana scoffed.
"Ugh, she's on your list?" Biana huffed.
"She was the third name on there." Fitz sighed as he and Biana began to walk over.
"Oh father is going to make you marry her." Biana said, looking at Fitz.
"...What fun..." Fitz mumbled.

As they got closer, Fitz smiled and Biana gave a small smile as well.
"Lord Vincent...Lady Elowyn..." Fitz said, slightly bowing.
Biana bowed down alongside her brother as she kept her arm interlocked with his.
Elowyn smiled.
"Hello Lord Fitz...Lady Biana." Elowyn said, looking at the siblings.
"It's nice seeing you again Fitzroy." Lord Vincent smiled at Fitz.
"Pleasure is all mine, Sir." Fitz smiled.

"Fitz, we were just discussing how you were the first name on Elowyn's list!" Alden exclaimed.
"Oh, perfect." Biana muttered under her breath.
Fitz had to bit back his laugh as he heard what Biana said.
"Wow...uh, that's nice." Fitz smiled at Elowyn.
Biana then snorted out a laugh.
"That's nice? God Fitz, what a stupid response." Biana grinned at Fitz.
Fitz smiled at Biana.

"Elowyn would like to dance with you." Lord Vincent said.
Fitz averted his gaze towards Lord Vincent.
"Oh! Wonderful." Fitz said, smiling at Elowyn.
"I have a spot around 8:45? My dance card is full until then and I have to dance with Lady Pandora in a few moments."
Elowyn smiled and nodded.
"Of course. I will come find you when the time comes." Elowyn said.
"I'll take you to Lady Pandora, I think I seen her somewhere around here..." Biana said, walking off and dragging Fitz alongside her.

Elowyn watched as Biana dragged Fitz away and Alden sighed.
"I didn't expect Fitz to have a Winnowing Gala. I thought he was quite satisfied in his...previous relationship." Lord Vincent said, looking at Alden.
Alden scoffed.
"Do not bring up that Dizznee boy. It was an embarrassing period of time when Fitz dated him." Alden huffed.
"Thankfully, I dealt with it. And I shall convince my son to marry your wonderful daughter. Her ability is quite powerful, and I think Fitz needs a lady like you." 
Alden smiled at Elowyn. Elowyn smiled back.
"Thank you, Lord Alden. I'm pleased to know you approve of me." Elowyn said.
"Yes, I think our children marrying would be a wonderful thing for both our families." Lord Vincent nodded.

Well, it seemed Fitz's life was planned out.


Word count: 1312

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