Chapter 7

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Dex's face scrunched up as the camera flashed at him as Wyatt took a picture.
Wyatt smiled as he held the camera down and he looked at the picture he took of Dex.
"Awh, you're cute when you scrunch up your face." Wyatt said, smiling at the picture.
Dex felt his cheeks warm up and he leaned over, trying to snatch the camera from Wyatt.
"Delete it!" Dex exclaimed.
Wyatt laughed as he held the camera up in the air, sitting up as Dex tried to reach up for it but failed as Wyatt playfully shoved him away.
"No! It's adorable!" Wyatt exclaimed.

Wyatt decided to go on a picnic date and apparently he liked taking photos. So, they were at this park, sat on a blanket, with a picnic basket next to them and Wyatt was taking pictures of the nature while Dex snacked on the food that was prepared. But then Wyatt took a photo of Dex.

Dex frowned at Wyatt and Wyatt smiled at Dex as he set the camera down beside him.
"You're absolutely adorable." Wyatt whispered softly as he cupped Dex's face.
Dex felt his cheeks heat up and he bit his lower lip.
"Stop embarrassing me." Dex said, staring up into Wyatt's eyes which were a dull teal colour.
"You love it when I compliment you, I know it." Wyatt said, caressing Dex's cheeks with his thumbs.
Dex leaned into Wyatt's touch and sighed softly.
"Stupid Empaths." Dex gently shook his head.
Wyatt laughed softly.

Wyatt sighed as he leaned in, resting his forehead against Dex's. Dex  couldn't help but smile.
"You're incredibly comfortable, being close like this in public." Dex said.
"Why do I have to hide who I like?" Wyatt questioned, shrugged as he looked at Dex.
Dex bit his lower lip.
"Mmh... you make a good point." Dex said.

Wyatt smiled and took his hands away from Dex's cheeks, he placed a gentle peck onto Dex's cheek before he pulled away.
"People may judge us, but hey. You've grown up with people judging you, and I have too." Wyatt said, taking Dex's hand into his.
"Plus, people who judge us are snobs." Dex smiled at Wyatt.
"And snobs are...eugh, hate 'em."
Wyatt softly laughed and he kissed Dex's cheek again, making Dex smile even more.
He gently pushed Wyatt back, "Hey, enough with the kissing!"
"Awh, but you love it!" Wyatt frowned.
"And you're irresistible."
Dex rolled his eyes.

"You are such a dork."
"Haha, I know."

Dex really didn't expect for him to find someone else. Someone who was so sweet and kind to him.

Dex was... he was happy.


Word count: 445

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