06: Hangover

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My hungover self pulls up to Carter's house ten minutes late, and I lay on the horn. His mom's car is gone telling me she's already headed to work. A few minutes later, I see Ben and Ralph come out of his front door. Carter comes out last locking the door behind him. It's just what my pounding headache needs right now. A joy ride to school with the three stooges.

I am now regretting going clubbing with Angel last night. It doesn't matter to him that I am under the legal age to drink. He still got me round after round and encouraged me to down every single one. According to him, I'm more fun when intoxicated. I roll my eyes behind my pitch black sunglasses.

Ralph opens my back door and slides in, making room for Ben. They both greet me extremely loudly, and I do my best not to take their heads off. I just gently reply in hopes that they'll leave me alone. Carter then gets into the passenger seat.

His eyebrows knit together when he looks at me, "Are you okay?"

I wave him off dismissively. "I'll be fine. I just need to down some Advil."

"I can run back in real quick and get you some." Carter goes to open the door, but I stop him.

"No, it's fine. I'll get some from the nurse at school. We're running behind as it is."

I put my car in drive, and we head for school. I can hear a whisper conversation happening between Ben and Ralph in the backseat, but I do my best to ignore it. I notice Carter side eyeing me every few minutes. He worries too much sometimes.

"Uhm." Ben clears his throat, "Jasmine?"

"Yes, Ben." I sigh heavily. So much for a quiet car ride.

"I just wanted to get a girls opinion on something."

Carter shifts around in his seat beside me to look back at Ben. I look in the rear view mirror at Ben's smirking face.

"What is it?" I ask, suddenly feeling intrigued.

"Metaphorically," he begins. "How would you feel if a guy watched videos of you dancing on another guy, and then he got a hard on from it?"

What the hell?

"Who is this metaphorical guy?" I raise an eyebrow at him in the mirror and watch as he begins to blush.

"It isn't me!" The words rush out of him quickly, and I can't help but laugh.

"You want me to dance on you, Benny?" I decide to tease him.

"N-no, oh god. It's not me!" Ben stammers, and that only encourages me to keep going.

"You sure you can handle all this grinding all up on you?" I speak slowly, making sure every word sinks in. "My body all pressed up against yours as we slow grind to the music. I reach my hand back and run it through your hair. You push against me as I press back into you..."

I sway a little in my seat. The three of them have all gone completely silent. I glance over at Carter and notice he has put his backpack on his lap. My eyebrows raise. Please don't tell me he got hard just from my little speech.

I laugh to myself. These three are something else. "To answer your metaphorical question, my sweet Benjamin. I don't really have a problem with it unless the guy is a creep or something."

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