03: After School.

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It is finally time to go home. I hurriedly make my way to Jasmine's car and sigh with relief when I see that she isn't there yet with her squad of girl friends hovering. Her "girls" make it their top priority to tease me. I swear they molest me with their eyes every chance they get.

I lean against her car, grabbing my phone from my back pocket. Jasmine spammed me earlier with memes and videos. I haven't even caught up on the last hundred she had sent me. I sigh and begin my daily scroll through the humor of Jasmine.

I begin hearing voices and cackles faintly, and then they grow louder as they get closer. I close my eyes and groan.

"Please, God no."

I open my eyes to see Jasmine and her girls heading right for me. When they spot me, they all holler, "Carter!" At the same time. I give them a small wave, and the lot of them bust out laughing at my awkwardness.

"Hey, big red." Her friend Bianca greets me as she reaches up to ruffle my hair.

"How's my stinkabutt."

"He's fine." I say lowly, not meeting her gaze.

They all swarm around me, calling me their made-up pet names. Commenting on my muscles as they touch my chest and biceps. I feel myself on the verge of hyperventilating. I turn my head towards Jasmine, who stands at the driver side of her car. I give her a pleading look, and she just laughs, rolling her eyes.

"HELP ME!" I mouth to her.

She slowly makes her way over to me, clearly amused by the assault of my tormentors.

"Okay, ladies, let the boy breathe." She laughs.

"Jasmine to the rescue." Her best friend Kelly says as she lets go of my arm.

"I have to get big red home now."

"You gonna tap that at home, big red?" Bianca points to Jasmine, and all the girls around me laugh.

"What?! N-no." I stammer as I try to defend Jasmine, "I would never!"

"Yeah, she's too much for you." Kelly laughs.

"Poor boy wouldn't even know what to do." Bianca hollers as they all go hysterical with laughter.

I can feel my face flush. I hate it when it does that.

"C'mon, y'all seriously now chill." Jasmine comes in between me and them. She opens the passenger door. I sigh with relief and turn to get in and feel someone slap me on my ass. I hurry into my seat as they all laugh.

"Bubble butt butt bubble bubble butt butt." Bianca chants.

"Okay, bye!" Jasmine yells as she shakes her head while laughing and makes her way to the driver side.

"Bye babes, love you!" They all yell to her.

"Take care of our girl stinkabutt!"

Jasmine puts the car in reverse, and we finally leave.

"I hate your friends." I scowl, pulling the hood of my hoodie over my messed up hair from the girls prodding.

Jasmine laughs.

"Nah, you know you love them." She smiles at me then returns her focus to the road.

I can't help but smile back at her as I shake my head.

"You could tell them to go easier on me, at least."

"This is good for you Carter, trust me, you need it."

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