30: Mile High Club 🔞

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Spoonfuls of Captain Crunch make their way into my mouth and surprisingly safely down my throat without me choking. My mom bustles around while checking off a list she made to make sure that I have everything already packed before Jasmine and her mom arrive to pick me up any minute now. I just nod and listen as she scratches her checkmarks across her clipboard.

"Okay, the flight should only be a little over five hours if there are no layovers or delays..." She trails off and grabs her phone. "The weather looks good, so you should be fine..."

Her voice trails off again, and only this time, a frown is set on her face. She turns to me. "Maybe I should go with you. I don't want it to be awkward for you with your dad, and I could see to it that the two of you are able to break the ice."

"It'll be fine, mom, okay? I promise," I finish off my cereal and drink the rest of my milk from the bowl before setting it in the sink. "And Jasmine will be there to help with any awkwardness." I reassure her.

She sighs and gives me a small smile. "I am so glad things are back to normal with you two. It made me sad to see you so gloomy all of the time without her."

I return her smile before wrapping her in a hug. "You sure you're going to be alright without your monkey here to protect you?"

"Did you just call yourself my monkey?" She looks at me in astonishment.

"I'll deny it if you tell anyone." I shrug. "Ow!" I exclaim when she pinches my side.

A car horn sounds outside, and then I hear the front door open.

"Miss G!" Jasmine's voice calls out, and I stupidly feel flutters in my stomach. My nervousness around her has only gotten worse since we agreed to be just friends. I want to be anything but that. I want to call her mine and kiss her and hug her anytime that I want and gloat about it because I am the only one who gets the privilege too.

"We're in here, sweet girl!" My mom calls out to her.

She appears in the kitchen dressed in her comfy clothes, which are grey sweats, a long sleeved cropped top, and her grey and white Jordans. I have to shake away the thoughts of leaving trails of kisses along her defined stomach. She stares at me while I gape at her like an idiot.

"Well?" She gestures around her, "Are you going to stare at me all day, or are you gonna load your stuff into the car?"

A mischievous smile spreads across my face. She raises her eyebrow at me, then folds her arms under her chest.

"Go." She points in the direction of my room. I make my way past her, leaving little to no room between us even though there was plenty of space. My hand lightly brushes against her exposed skin as I pass by, her breath hitches, but I pretend not to hear it. My chest swells with pride at how easily I am able to get a reaction out of her. But if I am not careful, another part of me will begin to swell as well.

I grab my duffel bag off of my bed and make sure to do one last sweep of my room to double-check that I have not forgotten anything.

Back in the kitchen, Jasmine and my mom seem to be having a hushed conversation that quickly wraps up once my presence is made known.

"You all set?" My mom beams at me.

"All set." I hold my bag up as proof.

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