41: A Turn of Events

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"Have a good day at school, baby!" I yell after my girl who smiles over her shoulder at me with an added roll of her eyes. I wait until she dissappears behind the entrance doors before backing my car out and leaving the school parking lot. Since yesterday, I have been on high alert after seeing her ex walking in front of her car. He did not acknowledge us or even seem like he knew who's car it was. But when Jasmine asked me if I saw him, I told her that it probably wasn't him and just someone who looked like him. Seeing her visibly relax in front of me made me feel a little better about my lie. I do not want her to worry if there is no reason for her to.

I get to a stop light just as my phone begins to ring. Smiling at the picture of Jasmine, I slide the arrow over to answer and put it on speaker.


"I miss you." The cute whine in her voice has a dumb smile spreading across my face.

"I miss you, baby."

"Can you come back and get me?" Her voice is hopeful, but I have to let her down.

"I'll be in the parking lot waiting for you before the bell rings." The light changes, and I begin on my way again.


"Girl, stop allat whining, like damn cuh."

Bianca's voice comes blaring through the phone, causing me to wince. Her and Jasmine begin exchanging words as they go back and forth playfully.

"Shut the hell up. I'm talking to my man!" I let out a laugh through the phone. "You tell'em baby!"

"Shut the fuck up big red!"

"Leave my coppertop alone!"

"You hearing this Carter? You got my girl out here acting like a simp!" Jasmine's laugh is music to my ears.

"I'm the bigger simp, so it's fine." I conclude, "Don't be mad cause I stole your girl."

As Bianca says incoherent things while Jasmine continues to laugh, I notice in my rear view mirror that some car seems to be tailing me. I test out my theory by switching lanes, and after a few minutes, the car does the same. I try to lose the car a few more times, even taking the wrong turns at stop lights but to no avail. The mystery car still finds me. The sound of Jasmine calling my name takes my attention off my current situation momentarily.

"Sorry baby, my mom is calling in. I have to go." I tell her over the phone while glancing into my rearview mirror to find the car is now only a couple of cars behind me.

"Aw, okay." She sounds reluctant to go, but even she knows she should. "I'll see you when you pick me up?"

"I'll be there." I will most definitely be there after this.

"Okay, lovie, I love you."

"I love you baby have a good day." I hang up the phone and consider calling my mom, but I know she will be upset that she is just now hearing about these threats from Jasmines' ex, so instead, I choose the next best option.

The phone dials the number a few times before the person on the other end picks up. "Carter?"

"Hey Nick, uh, sorry to bother you. Is this a bad time?"

"No, not at all," his voice sounds unsure but joyful in a way. "What can I do for you?"

There is no backing out now, so I dive in and tell him everything Jasmine told me, and the situation that I am currently in right now. He asked if I was for sure I was being tailed, and I went over in detail about the wrong turns I purposely took just to see if the car would go another way. After giving him a description of the vehicle, he told me to come down to the station, and we could talk further about my situation. He told me that going home would be a bad idea (which I already figured) so I put the police station on my phones GPS and head towards there with the car still in pursuit of me.

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