08: Play the Game

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Last night had to be a dream. Jasmine kissed me? She kissed me! Oh dear God, she kissed me. What does this mean? I am pretty sure she wasn't drunk. And how could she do it when Angel was there, I mean, I wouldn't kiss her if I was at a party with someone else. And then the hand holding? What the fuck was that about, "Just let them take it in." What in the hell does that even mean!

I groan and roll over, screaming into my pillow. Jasmine said she would explain everything today, but she still has yet to, and I have called and texted her multiple times. I am getting so impatient, and let's not forget to mention crazy anxiety. Like what could she mean by, "explain everything." Damn my head hurts so bad trying to figure this whole situation out!

My bedroom door opens, and I mumble, "please mom not now. I'm in the middle of overthinking."

"It's not your mom numb nuts." Ben's annoying voice filters throughout my room along with Ralph's snorting laughter.

"I don't want to see either of you." I mumble with my face still in the pillow.

"Quit being a bitch Carter we're here for details."

I am too taken aback by Ralph calling me a bitch that I don't even bother beating him up for it. Since when did he grow a pair?

Removing my head from the pillow, I sit up to give them the attention that they seek. "I can't give you details because I don't even know what the fuck happened."

"Well allow me to fill you in." Ralph becomes very animated as he retells the events of last night. "There I was surrounded by a group of sexy women-"

"Ralph, do us a favor and stick to the actual facts." Ben rolls his eyes, and I smirk at his comment.

"It's my point of view and I'll tell it like I want so you do us a favor and shut the fuck up."

To my surprise Ben does just that. Ralph then clears his throat.

"As I was saying... I was surrounded by sexy babes when all of a sudden I see Jasmine looking mad as hell and she trudged across the living room my eyes following her the whole time until she reached her target which was our boy C-man." Ralph clicks his tongue, pointing at me, and I roll my eyes.

"Now I, for one, thought she was about to hit you, and I was trying to figure out what in the hell you could have done to make her so pissed!" He pauses for dramatic effect. "But to my astonishment, she grabbed Carter's face, and the two of you began a full makeout fest right there in front of everyone!"

I can't help the laugh that bubbles out of me. "We did not makeout."

"Oh no?" Ralph holds up his finger, "Of course, your makeout session was interrupted by her ex, which caused a huge fight, which lead you to being thrown out of the house and which now leads us to why Ben and I are here."

My eyes dart between the two of them as they look on at me. My face scrunches up in confusion, and Ralph scoffs at me like I should know why they are here.

"Benjamin, please fill in this clueless monkey." Ralph rubs his temples like he is under deep stress.

"Are Ralph and I not your best friends?"
Ben begins.

"Yes?..." I tilt my head at him.

"And do the three of us always have each other's backs?"

"Yes again." I nod.

"And haven't we all pledged to keep no secrets from each other?"

"Yes, we have-" I shake my head. "What is this all about?"

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