23: Revelations

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I have never hated going to school. Being at school was always my most favorite part of the day because it made me feel less alone being surrounded by all of my friends. Getting to see them every day made school worth going to. It made my life feel full. Full in a way that my parents or their money have never been able to make me feel. But now, as I stare at the doors that will lead me inside, all I feel is dread for what awaits me. I take a deep breath and make my way in.

"Hey!" Kelly startles me as soon as I enter.

"The f-" I breathe, "you scared me. Were you waiting there the whole time?"

She laughs. "I knew eventually you would get enough courage to come inside. Sorry for scaring you."

"It's fine." I sigh, "how are you?"

"I tried calling you last night after I got home," she ignores my question. "but it kept going to voice-mail. I started to worry. How are you feeling?"

She keeps in step with me as I make my way to my locker.

"Yeah, everything is fine." I give her a tight-lipped smile. "And you didn't answer me."

"Jas, I'm not the one going through a breakup right now." She says gently, "How are you feeling, really?"

I shrug, shaking my head. "It's just different now, you know? I have so much time on my hands now because I am not focusing all of my energy into someone or a stupid game. I am trying to just focus on myself and not think about it. Otherwise, I'll end up crying all day."

She gives me a small smile. "I am proud of you, babes. You got this."

I turn my attention back in the direction we're headed, and I freeze. Carter stands chatting with an overzealous Morgan, who I can tell is laughing at whatever he says even when it is not funny. My stomach drops as I begin to feel jealousy building up inside of me. It did not even take a full twenty-four hours for her to already try and sink her claws into him. Lola also stands with them, her eyes never leaving Carter as he speaks.

"Want to go find Bianca and the others?" Kelly nudges me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah," my eyes linger on Carter for a moment longer. "Let's go."

She loops her arm through mine, and I am grateful for the extra support as we walk past the three of them. It took everything within me not to turn and look back at him. He never even glanced my way anyway.

The rest of the school day seems to drag on. I get through my classes like a zombie. I even sat through lunch listening to Bianca and the other girls turning against Carter. They watched with disgusted looks on their faces as Morgan followed him around the cafeteria like a love sick puppy. The looks of sympathy my friends started giving me because of them only added to my already miserable mood.

Ben still sits with us, obviously for Kelly and the fact that him and Carter are still on the outs. Ralph won't even give me the time of day. He scurried off like a little mouse when I tried to talk to him earlier.

I did my best not to let it all get to me. Kelly was the only one who didn't look at me with pity. Instead, she made it a point to distract me by asking me questions about my art projects or giving me the latest celebrity gossip.

Now, it is finally the end of the school day, and I'm headed to my car.

"Karma is a bitch huh?"

I turn to see a smug looking Lola.

"I'm not in the mood for this." I turn to walk away.

"What's wrong? It's okay for you to play games with people, but no one else can?"

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