27: Psychotic B*tch

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I stand in front of my locker going over my notes for the quiz I have today while listening to Ralph rambling on about his strict mother and how his life is so unfair. Apparently, she changed the parental settings on their Netflix account, and he is no longer allowed to watch anything over PG-13. But the lengths I have seen the poor guy go to just to have a little bit of excitement in his life honestly makes him a daredevil. And if his mom is as strict as he says she is, then all I can say is more power to him.

If I wasn't trying desperately to get Jasmine off of my mind right now, I would have zoned him out a long time ago. I can't believe she is leaving and didn't think I was important enough to tell me. If the roles were reversed, no matter what happened between us, I would at least tell her something. I would never just up and leave to an entire other country without saying anything. Even if she just shot me a text saying "so long fucker I'm moving away bye." At least that would have been something!

But at the same time, I can not even be mad because I'm the one who pushed her out of my life. I guess now I have to deal with the consequences.

"Carter, are you even listening to me?" Ralph glowers at me. I sigh heavily.

"Yes, I am listening."

"Okay then, what was the last thing I said?" He crosses his arms.

"You said you can only watch PG-13."

"I said that ten freaking sentences ago!"

"Damn, calm down." I give him a look. What's his problem lately anyway?

"No I won't calm down! You and Ben have had your heads so far up your girlfriends asses that you forget I still exist!" He shouts. "And now thanks to the two of you and your little boy drama our friend group is fucking ruined! So, thanks a lot for that as well!"

I look at his disheveled self. I forget at times that Ben and I are really his only friends. I hav- had Jasmine, but I also have a good relationship with Kelly and Bianca. Ben has his friends from the basketball team and now Kelly. Ralph finds himself having to watch the two of us moving on in life from the sidelines, which has me feeling bad for him.

"Look, man, I'm sorry." He glares while pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "I have been going through it with Jasmine, okay. I'll try to be more present."

"It's whatever." He pouts like a toddler.

"Wanna come over to my house and watch unlimited R rated movies?"

His eyes brighten. "Hell yeah!" He looks at me sheepishly. "Can uh... can Ben come too?"

I narrow my eyes.

"Don't push it."

"Was worth a shot." He shrugs. "But I forgive you!" He hugs me, and I take the opportunity to wrap him in a headlock.

"I knew you'd come to your senses."

"Okay, okay, let me go!" He pushes at my arm while making gurgling sounds as he tries to escape my tight grip. I can't help but laugh. My laughter dies down, however, when I look up and my eyes lock with Jasmines.

Ralph slips out from beneath my arm and glares at me, but I ignore him. My entire focus is on her and those beautiful big brown eyes that stare back at me. I feel like it has been years since I have seen her. She looks on at me and has a sad smile that forms across her face. I feel an ache inside of me from the sight of it. I take a single step towards her, longing to close the distance between us. Jasmine slowly shakes her head, causing me to stop in my tracks. The pleading look in her eyes tells me she doesn't want me to come any closer. I feel my heart about to burst when I notice her eyes dart to something behind me momentarily. I follow her gaze only to find none other than Morgan staring her down with a sinister look on her face.

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