31: West Coast

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The last time I was in Los Angeles was for a family vacation when I was just a little kid. My parents surprised me by taking me to the 'Aquarium of the Pacific,' and I remember going completely insane with excitement. My dad would point to every animal and ask me what it was, and I would go into full detail, and he would listen intently with a proud smile on his face. I remember the tour guide being amazed by all the extra facts I knew and her telling me that I should come to work at the aquarium when I am older. The thought of it had me so excited.

Now fast forward years later, I am soon to explore my dream college in hopes of earning my degree in marine biology, my parents are divorced, I am going to see my semi-estranged father, his girlfriend and I am riding in a town car on the way to my dad's place with a beautiful girl beside me who just so happens to be my best friend that I am crazy in love with. So, two things in my life have remained the same over the years.

I look over to Jasmine and find her staring out of the car window in silence, the same way she did on the plane before we ended up in the bedroom in our entanglement that was interrupted by her mom's "emergency" which was only her asking Jasmine if take off went smoothly. We both knew it was actually just her mother instincts knowing something was about to go down with her daughter, so she, of course, was more than happy to interrupt.

I reach out and take her hand in mine. She turns her attention from the window and looks at our intertwined fingers before bringing her concerned eyes up to me, "You okay?"

I nod. "I thought I would be more nervous." I shrug. "But I honestly feel fine."

"That's a good thing, right?" She smiles at me, and I can not help but notice how it seems forced. Something is definitely bothering her, and I want to question her about it, but I also don't want to pressure her. If she wants me to know, then she will tell me.

"I hope it's a good thing." I laugh lightly.

"You got this," she squeezes my hand, "and I got you, okay?"

And I got you. She really does have me, all of me. She just has yet to fully realize it. But I plan for that to change soon.

"Okay, beautiful." I smile at her, and she returns it while slightly biting on her bottom lip, causing an exasperated sigh to come from me.

"Can I kiss you, please?" I groan. Her laugh spreads throughout the car and brings a cheesy smile to my face.

"Since you asked so nicely." She leans in towards me, offering her glossy lips up, and I waste no time by placing a few kisses on her juicy lips. She pulls away from me when I try to go in for more.

"Behave yourself." She eyes me with a smirk on her face. "We're almost there."

"Can I hold your hand, at least?" I bat my eyelashes at her like she has done to me countless times when wanting to get her way.

"You're so needy!" She giggles, interlacing our fingers again. I plant a few kisses on her cheek while she laughs before pushing me away playfully.

"All up in my business, God." She shakes her head while giggling. I just smile at her, taking in every perfect feature on her face until she looks away bashfully.

A few moments later, the car begins to slow as we come to a stop in front of my dad's home. It looks exactly like the pictures he had shown me when trying to convince me that him moving here would be good for all of us. It looks just like a home where you would want to start anew. And that is just what he did.

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