15: Whodunnit

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The anger bubbling inside me has me wanting to punch a hole in the wall as I keep my arm wrapped protectively around a distraught looking Jasmine. I ignore the eyes that follow us as we make our way down the hall and to the principals office. When we enter our principal gestures for the two of us to take a seat. He sighs, removing his glasses.

"I am sure the two of you are aware as to why you are here."

Jasmine stares down at her shoes after we have both taken a seat in the armchairs next to each other.

"I have an idea," I answer coldly.

"Now, Mr. Grayson, I am not the enemy here -"

"I know you're not," I grit, "but why are you wasting your time with us instead of figuring out who sent that message out?" I shake my head.

"You have every right to be upset, and we are looking into where the message was sent from. I was hoping the two of you could possibly shed some light on who could have done this."

I look to Jasmine, who seems to be stuck in her thoughts as she nervously wrings her hands together.

"Miss Davis?" Principal Johns calls her attention to him. She slowly lifts her eyes to meet his that soften once he sees the look on her face. "I am sincerely sorry that this has occurred. I have already reached out to your parents -"

"You what?" Jasmine sits up attentive now, "I don't want them to know!"

"I am sorry, but when something as personal as this happens to a student, it is school policy that the parents are involved."

Jasmine slumps back into her chair, and he then turns his attention to me.

"We have contacted your mother as well, and she is on her way. As soon as she gets here, we will discuss the matter further. For the time being and under the circumstances, the two of you may wait here."

The two of us say nothing. We now sit in silence. The tension in the room is so strong that it almost feels suffocating. I don't know who did this, and I have never wanted to beat someone so badly in my life, but when I figure it out, their ass is mine.

When Jasmine showed me her phone, I almost lost it right then and there. How did someone from school even get a video of us at the gym? The video isn't even the worst part of it it is how it was edited and made to look like it was more than it was. The person who sent it captioned the video "Sluts will be sluts." You can barely make out that it is me in the video, whoever edited it made sure that the focus was on Jasmine even zooming into her face a few times as she panted. The added sound effects of women moaning made it even worse. The whole thing was obviously made to make her look bad, but I have never seen anyone from school at the gym I go to, so I have no idea who could have done this.

Principal Johns cellphone rings, and he excuses himself, leaving Jasmine and I alone in his office. I look to her, she is so distant and quiet and it is breaking me to see her like this. I can't help but feel like it is my fault.

"Jas." I whisper, but she won't look at me. "Jasmine." I say a little louder but still nothing.

I run a stressful hand down my face.

"Curly top?" I look at her expectantly, she brings her eyes to mine and I can see that she is holding back tears. I want to wrap her in the biggest hug right now but I am not sure she will accept it.

"I'll figure out who did this Jasmine I promise you."

She lets out a shaking breath.

"And then what," she shrugs, "that won't fix anything."

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