37: Unforgettable Beauty

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My home has been invaded once again. Since the return of my father, that has also meant the return of his personal chef, maid, butler, chauffeur, assistant, and the occasional visits from business partners to his home office. I do not know why I was so worried about having our family discussion because I should have known work would become more important and it would end up being postponed. My father is home but I hardly see him. In all honesty, neither of us has gone out of our way to talk with the other. After what I overheard him saying about me, I really don't have it in me to speak with him other than the good mornings and goodbyes we exchange every day.

Our housekeeper Jane knocks at my bedroom door, and I call for her to come in. These past few days since my father has been back, I have watched in amusement while Jane side-eyes all of the extra staff. It is funny to see her telling them with her eyes that this is her house and they had better fall in line. She now grumbles while putting away my laundry. I know she is upset because usually she will leave my laundry for me to put away as I asked her to, but when she's angry, she does it herself.

"The nerve of that maid rearranging the supply closet that I set up," she scoffs, making her way to my closet, "I mean, who does she think she is coming in here acting like she owns the place! Fifteen years I have worked here, and she comes from Italy acting as though she knows better about housekeeping!"

I allow her to vent to the air. I know she really isn't talking to me, but she knows my room is the safest place in the house to let her frustrations out. I focus back on scrolling through social media when a text from Carter comes in, causing my stomach to flutter.

It has been a few days since I told him everything that happened at Angel's place that night, and ever since then, he has been a little distant. He still kisses me and cuddles me and lets me know that he loves me whenever we are together at school, but as soon as we are apart, I hardly hear from him. We have not hung out together after school since I unloaded everything, and now I feel like I may have overshared and that feeling grows deeper after I read Carter's text letting me know he has boxing today so he can't come over later.

I can't decide between throwing my phone at the wall, or crying, or doing both. I'm so frustrated and hurt right now. I want to go off at him for not putting in the time for us, but at the same time, I do not want to be in a fight with him. So I push down my emotions and reply back, telling him it is fine and to have a good time.

My mom enters my room just as Jane finishes up in my closet. The two exchange pleasantries before Jane leaves the two of us alone. As soon as I make eye contact with my mom, the flood gates behind my eyes open, and I begin sobbing like a toddler. She hurries over to me, wrapping her arms around me, and continually asks me what's wrong.

I choke on my words, "I t-told Carter the t-truth about something, and," another sob leaves my lips causeing me to gasp, "now I am afraid he is going to break up with me."

I wrap my arms around my mom, crying harder as I bury my face into the crook of her neck. She whispers soothing words to me while caressing my back.

"You and Carter have had arguments and disagreements many times over the years, my flower." She places a gentle kiss on my head, "You two will work it out like you always do, okay?"

I nod in response while she gently sways us back and forth. "I came in here to tell you that your father is treating his girls to dinner tonight." I let out a groan that causes her to laugh.

"Stop, it will be fun!" She pulls me up, so I am looking at her, "I want us to be a proper family, Jasmine. I have been the happiest I have ever been in my life since taking the time to get to know my beautiful baby girl."

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