45: Family Matters

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The brisk November air leaves my cheeks and nose feeling the bitter effects of the cold breeze as I guide my paintbrush along the canvas in front of me. I have been putting all of my energy into my latest creation, which has become my main stress reliever from almost being blown up, having to separate from Carter when he needs me most and just wishing that Angel would give himself up so that this can all be over. Nick thinks he is most likely hiding out with the gang he is associated with, and they know better than to give up one of their own, which makes finding him all the more difficult.

Rolling my shoulders, I shake all of the negative thoughts in my head away and turn my attention back to the portrait of two lovers, one represents the glory of sunlight as it ignites its skin and hair while the other represents darkness and the moon which illuminates the beauty of their dark skin and features. The couple appears to be sharing in a loving embrace, which is the first thing you would assume at first glance. But since I never paint anything predictable, only those who take the time to see beyond my brush strokes will realize the chaos that surrounds the two lovers if they tilt their head to exactly the right angle.

"You astound me, Jasmine." My mom's voice startles me as I turn towards her. "Sorry." She gives me a half smile.

"It's okay," I sigh, turning back to my work. "I'm just a little jumpy lately."

She nods, coming to stand at my side.

"You're doing okay, though?"

"I mean, I guess I am as okay as someone can be whose ex is out to murder the guy she loves." I shrug nonchalantly.

"You do not have to go through this alone. I hope you know that?"

She looks on at me worryingly, and I give her my best reassuring smile. "I know, mom, thank you. I'm honestly just missing Carter more than anything, and I hate not even being able to visit him."

"I know my flower. I'm sorry." She wraps an arm around my shoulder. "Have you two been talking on the phone?"

"Only a little bit," I sigh. "His mom wants him to not have too much screentime until he heals from his concussion."

I see a thought suddenly come across my mom's face, and I shut it down before she can even voice it.

"Carter's concussion was worse than mine, and I am hardly on my phone as it is right now, so I'm not lowering my screentime."

"How did you know I was thinking that?" She laughs.

"Because I saw the look on your face."

We both giggle together before she places a kiss on the side of my head.

"Alright, I need you to finish this up because your dad is waiting to speak with you in his office."

I audibly groan. "Why is he always wanting to talk?"

"Jasmine, the two of you have both been avoiding this talk, and we all know you both need to have it out already. What are you waiting for Jasmine him to get mad again so you get a lecture instead?"

I rub my chin while sarcastically pondering her question, which earns me a slap on my arm.

"Ow!" I whine.

"Clean this up and go talk to your dad." Those are her final words before she walks back to our mansion while laughing and mumbling to herself.

I do as she said and begin putting away my paints, brushes, and other art tools into their designated places before carefully taking my painting off of the easel and heading back inside. I drop everything off inside my art studio before making my way to my father's office, where I hear the muffled sounds of his voice on the other side. After taking in a deep breath, I open the door upon exhaling and enter the office to find my father sitting behind his desk with his phone to his ear. I quietly make my way to one of the chairs set in front of his desk and take a seat.

You Were Always MineDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora