54: Graduation 🔞

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Graduation. The thrill! The excitement! The fun!... The millions upon millions of photos you have to pose for until your mother is satisfied. Shivers. Having to be separated from your friends because your last names must be in alphabetical order. It makes me want to roll my eyes all over again at a smiling Jasmine who laughed at me for whining about not being able to sit with her during the ceremony. My girl also had the loudest laugh out of everyone after witnessing me trip on stage as I went to accept my hard earned diploma. I made sure to make a mental note to take care of her later. Only then would we see who would have the last laugh. But more on that later. Back to the topic of graduation.

Ralph was absolutely thrilled to be graduating, and he made sure to let us all know as much as he could. His overly cheerful demeanor was exactly the polar opposite of Benny boys' doom and gloom. Kelly broke up with him only a few days ago, and my boy is going through it. He showed his pain through scowls and forced smiles throughout the ceremony, and I'm one hundred percent sure that Kelly's look of relief and perfecfion did not help to lighten his mood at all. Part of her happiness, I am sure, is due to the fact that her and Jasmine are going to be exploring Italy together. I even heard her talking about hot Italian guys and made sure to let her know that my girl already has a hot American guy, to which she just rolled her eyes. All in all, graduation was great, and Ralph and I really did our very best to try and get Ben's spirits up to match the rest of us.

My dad and his fiance came, of course, which was not a surprise at all. The relationship between my father and I has grown so much stronger over these past months. The four years I had without him are such a blur now, and I can not figure out how I went so long without having him in my life. He is there for me all of the time, and being able to now be open with him and get his advice and guidance on my life means so much to me. Enough with the mush fest, my dad and his fiance coming may not have been a surprise, but there most certainly was one! Coming this autumn, I am no longer going to be an only child! My dad and Catherine are expecting, and the gender of my little baby sibling is going to be revealed at their wedding. Catherine wanted to keep it a secret a little while longer, but her almost six month belly was getting harder for her to hide.

In my opinion, the news did not steal any thunder away from me. I can not wait to be a big brother and spoil my little sibling. Jasmine, who is almost as excited as me, suggested that her and I could babysit together one day and play house. I am sure her way of playing house and mine are completely different, but we'll just have to cross that bridge when we get to it.

So, in the end, graduation went smoothly except for my tripping, which led to Jasmine's cackling laughter, which led to my mental note from earlier, which leads to now. Having the last laugh. Safe to say, that would be me seeing as I have my mischievous girlfriend trapped right now in the laundry room of her house filled with guests while the sounds of her graduation party stream through the seams of the door without a lock that she will not stop staring at. Oh, how I relish in her fear of being caught.

Jasmine's leg drapes over my shoulder. Her dress crinkles up into my fists, her hands gripping tightly to the washing machine that I have her pinned up against. Muffled moans pass through her gritted teeth. I stare up at her, my mouth devouring the sweet taste of her. I feel her walls pulsating around my tongue, letting me know she is almost ready.

"Carter," she says breathlessly, the leg she is standing on beginning to shake, "my mom told me to hurry back. She's going to wonder what is taking me so long."

I ignore the desperation in her words, closing my eyes at the feeling of her rolling her hips towards me so that my mouth takes on more of her, the swollen bud between her legs aching for more. I begin matching the movements of her hips with my tongue until it is pressed deep inside her, hitting repeatedly at her sweet spot. Jasmine throws her head back, her chest rising and falling rapidly, the moans she has been trying so hard to suppress, becoming louder as her standing leg begins to buckle from the overwhelming pleasure she is feeling. I swivel my tongue inside of her while grabbing hold of her convulsing frame. There are a few more rough flicks of my tongue, and then she is releasing into my satisfied mouth, and I catch it all.

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