01: Dreaming of Her.

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My bed dips, causing me to wake. I feel groggy as I look around in the dark. I see a silhouette crawling towards me from the foot of my bed. My heart starts to speed up. "Who, who is there?" I stutter as I slowly turn over onto my back.

"Shh." I hear her whisper.

"Jasmine?" I look on as she slowly makes her way up my body. "What are you doing here?" I whisper nervously.

She smiles, not answering me. I swallow hard. "Jasmine..." I whisper again as her lips begin to kiss softly along my jawline. She lays on top of me as she works her lips down to my neck, causing a soft whimper to escape from my lips.

"You taste so good, Carter." She breathes heavily as her hand slowly slides down my stomach, stopping at the bulge in my pants.

"Ja- Jasmine," I stammer. "W-what are you doing." I grunt, feeling her hand beginning to grip me.

"Oh, Carter." She gasps, placing more kisses along my neck.

"Carter." She says louder now.

I grunt beneath her.

"CARTER!" She yells, and I open my eyes only to squint from the harsh light that meets them.

I look around, squinting as my eyes adjust to the morning light streaming in from my window. I see my best friend Jasmine standing in my doorway, a smirk etched on her face.

She crosses her arms, making her plump breasts push up a little.

"Having dreams about me again, huh?" She gives me a teasing look, and I curse myself, feeling my face blush. I just know it's a deep shade of red because she is laughing now.

I look down to make sure I'm covered up. I sigh with relief when I see my blanket is still around me. The last time Jasmine caught me having one of my dreams, she laughed for hours after seeing the state it left me in. And I am not about to give her another thing to make fun of me for.

"You ever heard of knocking?" I ask in an annoyed voice.

"Well, I'm sorry to wake you pervert who has naughty dreams about me-"

"It wasn't about you!" I interrupt her.

"Oh, so it was about someone else this time then, huh?" She bites her lip, giving me a teasing look.

"Would you just get out so I can get dressed?!"

"No, I don't think I will." She makes her way over to my bed, plopping herself down right next to me. I make sure to keep my blankets bunched over me so she won't see the aftereffects of my dream.

"What are you hiding?" She eyes me mischievously.

"I'm not hiding anything," I retort defensively. "Now, would you please just get out so I can get dressed!"

"Go ahead and change. I won't make fun of the little guy." Jasmine pats my lap pretending to soothe me.

My face heats up once again. "I'm a grower, not a shower, Jasmine! Not that it's even any of your business. Now get out already!"

"Your mom made pancakes." She laughs, getting up from my bed and leaving my room, closing the door behind her.

I lean over to make sure she is gone before getting out of my bed. I dress quickly in a black fitted T-shirt, a hoodie and a pair of jeans. I throw on a pair of Nikes and grab my bag for school.

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