Chapter 22

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Authors note: the chapter above is new even if it does not show up as it. I rewrote my message into a chapter.
Well, I'm screwed.

Not literly. Although that would be nice.

Back to discussion. I may or may not have just wore my favorite hoodie and he is currently chasing me.

Just as I am about to sprint behind the counter tho, a certain asshole grabbed me by the waist and held me to his chest.

"You trator!" I yell at Jay as Austin walks in and glares at me.

"Give me my fucking hoodie back Bella" Autin says as he makes his way over to me and yanks it over my head.

"Hey! What if I was naked!" I say as he holds the hoodie in his hand and Jay let's me go.

"I've seen it all before" Austin says as he walks out but not before I give him my favorite finger. The middle one if that's not clear.

Little shit. I liked that fucking hoodie.

"I wouldn't mind seeing you naked" oh yeah, he's here.

"I prefer my clothes on thank you very much" I flip him off too before walking out of the kitchen and towards my roo- the couch.

"Austinnnnnnn" I drag out as I search for my brother.

"What?" My brother asks as he walks down the stairs wearing the hoodie. Dickface.

"Can Cleo come over for a sleepover tonight?" I ask and he groans but I just give him puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, but keep her out of my sight" He mutters before walking off.

Anyone else think that could be kinda cute? If they were together.

Actually forget that. Cleo would kill me if she knew I said that.

But I'm not lying.

Anyhow. Off to pick up my favorite hoe. And I am going to take the man whore with me.

"Jayyyyyy" I drag out and both him and Austin groan.

"Can you shut up with the baby voice" Austin attacks Mr. My baby voice is cute.

"What the fuck do you want?" Jay asks as I go stand in front of him as he walks out of the kitchen.

"Can you drive me to get Cleo?" I say in the cutest voice ever I might add.

"Fuck no" mother fucker.

"I wasn't asking" I say grabbing his keys to his BMW. "Either I drive or you do. Your choice" I say with an innocent smile and he grabs the keys and mumbles very rude words under his breath.


"Good luck with those two man" Austin says as Jay flips him off when we walk out.

I just keep a huge smile on my face as I make my way to his car.

Fuck yeah.


Gonna try and post everyday with as many words as possible. I have study hall every other day so some days will have more than others.

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