Chapter 18

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Fuck! I knew it!

That gun is Austin's.

He had Belle's name and an A engraved when he first bought it.

He said it was so a piece of her would always be with him and bring him luck.

I should have known she would remember that night.

Both me and Austin were at a party with other people in our group when Noah and his friends decided to crash it and started flirting with our side's prostitute.

Also known as Lila.

The one rule we had was not to touch the other group's girl, and we took it as an act of war.

So Austin did the one thing that came to his head.

He shot him. Right in the chest.

I remember how pissed he was that day in the car. That bastard had flirted with someone right in front of his girlfriend's brother.

I mean, I never saw Austin that angry.


He would do anything for his sister and that was proof.

Cops were called, people ran, but of course I was in charge of getting Noah out of there.

Even if he was the enemy, we couldn't risk him getting caught by the cops and exposing everything.

I drove him to his apartment that night and watched him open the door.

I saw a blonde haired girl hug him but I never realized it was HER.

I could see the tears on her face from my car as she was looking him up and down with the most worried expression on her face.

Little did she know that he was about to walk away with another girl at that party.

If it weren't for Austin shooting him, he would have.

And he made her think she was crazy.


I get we don't bring innocents into this world but he could have made up a crappy lie.

That asshole should have died. I wish he did, because now that girl downstairs is burdened with what she thought used to be love.

But I know he was just with her to get his revenge on Austin for leaving his group and coming to mine.

What's better revenge than breaking the enemy's sister's heart.

I wish I had thought about it first.

But seeing that girl in pain, I had to leave.

I know I should not have left her but the only way to shut her cries that were threatening to come would have been the one think I could not have done. As much as I wanted too.

Kiss her.



I can't.

She is Austin's sister, he would kill me.

I rather hate my best friends sister than care for her.

Losing a friendship is worth losing a potential love.

Because love is something that you can think you have but never truly know the person.

And I don't want anyone trapped with my burdens.

Especially not Belle.


Another JAY POV!!!

Felt like I need to put another one in here, not sure if I like this or not tho

Also, I promise when it hits the 21st the chapters will be longer, I have just been so busy

Ps. I'm thinking of renaming this book, any suggestions? I will credit you

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