Chapter 21.

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___“Jay, Can you seriously not” Rebecca says while he is pulling at her shorts to try and get her to take them off.

“Please sweetheart, I just want a little peak,” Jay says with an innocent smile as he wraps his arms around her waist to pull her against him and rocks her between his feet.

“Can’t we tomorrow? I have to go visit my sister tomorrow and I don’t want to be sore"Rebecca says as she lays a peck on his lips before turning around to go over to the bed.

But just as she is going to lay down he pushes her onto the bed and crawls on top of her.

“No can do. You tempted me and now we will fuck until you realise your tight little pussy is mine whenever I want” He says as he leans down to whisper it her ear.

“Got it sweetheart?” He whispers in her ear before kissing down her body as he unbuttons her blouse.___

Okay maybe reading this book before bed was a bad idea because now I have to pee really bad and I know if I walk in the hall a floor board will creek and wake everyone up.

But just to my luck, I don’t have a choice unless I want to sleep with my panties wet tonight.

Also, why the fuck did I read a book with Jay’s name.

I mean, when I bought it I had know idea who he was. But still. Now everytime I see him I am going to confuse him with book Jay.

Not that they are any different. Both are mean, arrogant, hot- shit.

I look above my head to see the devil himself staring down at me.

“I unbutton her blouse? I actually prefer to rip it, It's alot more efficient” Jay says with a low chuckle as I close the book and put it on the table.

“Shut up” I mumble as I make my way to the bathroom, pushing past him.

“Calm down princess, just a little joke” He says as he walks in front of me to block my path.

“Move” I say angrily as I try to get past but he keeps moving.

Can’t he just keep his ass still. It’s not that hard for fucks sake.

“Not until you tell me why you ignored me after we went to the store” He asks as he crosses his arms and I take this as my chance to sprint to the bathroom.

I make a beeline and before closing the door I add “I gotta pee”

When I shut the door I hear him mumble a faint ‘I bet you do’ and I blush slightly for some weird reason.

Actually, it's not weird, I just have a dirty mind.

I sit on the toilet and think of an answer to his question.

I was tired? Nah, if I was I would be asleep right now.

I was drunk? Doubtful

High? Unlikely you stupid bitch

I’m not stupid. Yes you are, or we would not be arguing over this.

Shut up. You shut up. I am you bitch.


Maybe I felt embarrassed that I spent his money? Bingo, one smart bitch.

Thanks girly. Anyti-

“Hurry the fuck up” Jay pounds on the door.

“Can’t really do that asshole” I say back. Still trying to be quiet with my brother asleep in his room.

“Jay licked up her stomach and started to trace circles with his tongue around he-” I slam open the door and grab my book from his hands. But he takes it back and throws it on the ground before pinning me to the wall.

Asshole, that is a new book. He could have ruined the binding, I have tried so hard not to bend it. He needs to apologize.

Not to me. The book.

I think he noticed me looking at the book because he grabs my chin so I am looking him in the eyes.

“Don’t ignore me darling” Gross. Darling is for old married couples. And we are not married and I am certainly not old.

A little cellulite sure. But not old.

Obviously I have to give a snarky ass comment back. But what?

Aha! Bingo.

“Don’t read my book” That’s a good one, I gotta keep this up.

He looks at me with a sweet look and pulls back.

“Why were you ignoring me, Bell’s? And don’t just make up some lie. Please”

God. That sounds so good coming from him.

“I honestly don't know. I just felt….awkward around you for some reason” I admit.

It was the truth. I really don’t know why I ignored him after we went to Target. It just happened.

He lets out a small sigh and looks into my eyes “Just don’t do it again, okay?” He says as he walks over and picks up my book.

“I'm keeping this” He says with a slight smirk as he walks into his room and I mutter some choice words under my breath.

I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding as I walked over to the couch and lay down.

I pull the blanket over my legs as I try to fall asleep.

It would be alot easier if my brain was not racing from the thoughts of something.

Well, someone.

Just got back my midterm grades and actually cried over my physics grade. Physics Sucks.


I was super sick during Christmas break and am now back and better.

Gonna try and post a lot! See yall soon!

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