Chapter 20

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"I think that counts, I still get to go to Target" I smile brightly at my brother.

"You only made it 20 minutes of jogging, no way" Austin argues.

But that is basically 45 because I did it without a water break.

"Please, I really need a new lip gloss" I give a pout of my bottom lip.

"Not happening." I roll my eyes and then look at Jay. I give him puppy dog eyes and pout my lip. "Jay," I say sweetly.

"Fine, I'll take you." Jay agrees and lets out a groan.

Austin slaps him on the back of the head and calls him a pussy as I walk back to the car smiling.

We get into the car and I sit in the center of the back while Maustin drives and Jay is in the passenger.

Austin drives us to the target and parks in the farthest spot possible

"No way in hell I'm going in" Austin grumbles while Jay and I get out of the car.

We say goodbye and we walk along the row of cars.

"So Jay, do you like Target?" I ask skipping, but Jay grabs my arm and pulls me to his right side.

"No, and be careful before you get hit by a goddamn car"

"I was not going to get hit" he hums in response

"sure, Bell's"


He usually calls me Belle?

We get into Target and I go straight towards the expensive makeup "But whatever you want princess, I'll pay" Jay says as he grabs a cart and follows after me

"Dangerous words to say to a Target obsessed girl" I smile and start shoving all kinds of makeup products into the cart.

What? I am not like those other girls who refuse money.

If there is money to be spent, I will spend it.

Before we know it we are waiting in the long line for checkout. And I am playing 20 questions with him.

"Favorite color?"


"Favorite song?"

"7 years"

"Favorite hobby?"

"Can you shut the fuck up"

"Nope, Favorite hobby?"

"How about I ask you?"

I nod my head and start to list out my favorite things. Favorite color is pink. my favorite song, anything Taylor Swift. And my favorite hobby is sewing.

"Are you a virgin?"

"You can't ask me that." I look at him sternly.

What kind of question is that?

"It's just a question." he hums

"Not happening, ask something else."

"I'm taking that as a yes." I hit his arm in response and he let out a groan "I barely even hit you"

I roll my eyes as we get to the register and pay.

He doesn't even blink to pay when the total comes to $347.85.


If I spent that much on someone I would lose my shit.

"How do you not freak out when the total comes to so much?" I let out a scoff in disbelief as we walk back to the car

"I would spend all the money in the world on you, Bell's" he smirks and I blush a little.

"Don't call me that"

"Why?" I looks at me

"We are not friends, nor will we ever be, just call me Annabella or Bella"

"Sorry princess, but Bell's sounds much better"

"Your intolerable"

"Your weird"

"Your a dick"

"Your hot"

"You-" I pause and a blush appears on my face "You can't say that!"

"I only speak the truth sweetheart" he smirks as we get into the car and I am still in shock.

God, why does he have to be like that.


Last short chapter before break, I will try to make each of the chapters I post over break over 1500 words. I Will start posting agin onto he 21st

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