Chapter 8

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That little bitch. She thinks she can just disrespect me like that? No. Just wait, when she least expects it she will be begging for my forgiveness.

"Yo dude, can I talk to you for a moment?" I hear Austin say and look to see he is sitting where I was. I stand up and go stand on the other side of the counter from him.

"What's up?" I am a little confused, we usually are not serious when we talk and almost always are joking around with each other.

"I have a date tonight and won't be able to help my sister move her things when we bring them back here. Could you help her out? I know she says she can do it on her own, but I know she is still heartbroken about her ex and seeing him today will be hard on her."

"Sure man. And if that guy was such an asshole, why is she still sad over him?"

Not that I care, it is just a bit unusual, and if I am gonna live with the girl, I may as well have an idea of what is going on in her head.

"She chooses to see the best in people. Even though he was very toxic, she was just blinded with the idea of love to notice it at the time. I hate his guts, always have and always will" He shrugs

"Why do you hate him so much?"

"Her ex is Noah Davision"

"Fuckkkk" I groan

"Yeah, you might want to stay out of sight while we are there"

"Excuse me, we. I never planned on going to get her shit"

No way in hell I am going to help get a ton of girl stuff for someone I don't even know. Especially when that someone hates my guts right now.

"I need your help moving the furniture and loading it in the van that needs to go to the storage unit" He says, but I know he just does not want to go near Noah by himself.

Unlike Austin, I am not scared of anyone and don't take anyone's crap, so being around Noah won't affect me.

"Fine, but I'm not helping out with picking up any of your sister makeup and shit"

"I never asked you too" He rolls his eyes at me and I hit him in the back of the head.

"Okay, I'm ready" we both turned to see his sister at the top of the stairs, instead of the sweats she was supposed to change into. She was in her black dress from last night. Man did she look gorgeous. Who would have thought Austin would have such a hot sister.

What? Even if we don't get along, I have every right to think a girl looks hot.

It is my hormones talking, not me.

"Oh, and by the way Jay. My sister is off limits" Austin leaned over and whispered in my ear as I turned to him.

I guess he saw the look on my face when his sister came down.

He stood up and gave his sister a hug and was telling her how she should just wear a hoodie so Noah does not get any wrong ideas. But all I could think about was the way her butt swayed as she talked.

God, please don't change into something else. Unless that something else is nothing.

How could such a bitch be so jaw dropping stunning.

And of course she was the one girl I could not have.

Why couldn't Austin have an ugly sister so this would not be a problem.

This is going to be the hardest next couple of months.

figuratively and literally.


I know this chapter is short, but all Jay POV's are going to be. I want them to be vague for a reason.

Please don't hate me. (Says with sweet smile)

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