Chapter 6

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Light hits my eyes from the sun and I can feel my head throbbing in pain.

I sit up on my bed and look at the nightstand containing some Advil and water. I grab the small bottle of Advil and take 2 out and place them each in my mouth one by one, while drinking the water to swallow them down.

I throw my feet over the bed and take in my surroundings.

I was in a room with gray walls and a dark gray carpet. I could see a desk in the corner containing a laptop and what looked to be like math homework. I look at the king sized bed and see the black sheets. Once I come to terms that this is my brother's room I slowly stand up and find my balance.

"I am never drinking again" I mutter to myself while walking over to the closet. Based on the soccer gear and Pokemon shirts I can determine this is my brother's room. He may be an adult but he still likes Pokemon.

I roll my eyes at that thought, thinking of how immature my brother is.

I grab one of the shirts from the closet and throw it over my dress. The shirt was navy blue and had the words "gotta catch them all on it"

I laughed at the Pokemon reference and walked over to his full length mirror.

I gotta give it to him, he does have a nice room. I didn't even have a full length mirror in my room at Noah's.

I look at myself in the mirror and notice the dress reaching down to about mid thigh with the t-shirt thrown over it.

I take off my heels front the night before and leave them on the floor just in front of his bed.

I know he will yell at me later for leaving them here, but I don't have the energy to walk in them any longer.

Have you walked in heels? Because I think they were made for human suffering.

I grab my phone from the nightstand and look at the time "11:43"

Of course I slept all day. I usually like to get up at 8 am and go on a morning run, but I guess that's ruined.

I also know that my brother does not get back from his part time job for another 45 minutes.

What? I have every right to know his schedule. Plus we have a tracker on each other just in case one of us ever gets kidnapped.

Honestly, I don't even know why he would get a part time job for the weekends when he parties almost every Friday.

Not that I look at his Instagram or anything. He is my brother, I have the right to stalk him if I wish to do so as well.

I know. I am a great sister.

I walk out of his room and am led into a hallway, I look both directions and I see the halfway end to my right so I can only assume that the kitchen is downstairs.

I am starving and could do with some food.

I walk down the stairwell and look around the large living room. Why did mom and dad get him such a nice place? He got this and I got a crappy apartment.

Well....I did ask for financial independence and to be cut off, but still. A little parent paycheck would be nice every once and a while.

Honestly it's my fault, I was an idiot for wanting to make my own living.

I walk over to the kitchen and look around through the different cabinets.

I find all kinds of cereal, chips, cookies, pretty much anything but something healthy. I look in the fridge and find a singular apple marked "Austins. Do not touch" but sorry poor brother, a girl has to eat.

Who marks an apple anyway? It just entices someone else to eat it. You think he would know this from us growing up and me always drinking his pop he would label in the fridge.

I grab the apple and a glass of water and sit down on one of the bar stools. I look around at the small details of the house while biting into my apple. When I finish I throw away the core and sit back down to scroll through my phone.

"Huh, you're the first whore that Austin's let stay till the morning" I turn around in my chair to be faced with the guy from last night who introduced me to that liquor and fruit punch drink.

"EXCUSE me. What did you just call me!?"

"You're the girl I met at the party last night" He says in a mix of shock and intriguement

I roll my eyes to his straightforward tone but as I open my mouth to send back a response the front door opens and we both look at it. The mysterious stranger walks over to my brother and gives him a bro hug.

"Hey, what's up Jay?"

Austin says and that's when it hits me. Jay. That's the name of his roommate.

You have got to be fucking kidding me, the asshole who just called me a whore is who I have to stay with! God, I could scream! "Baby sis, good to see you out of bed" he walks over and gives me a hug behind the back as I roll my eyes.

I can hear Jay choke on air from behind us. I guess he finally learned who this whore is.

"THAT's your sister?" Jay says.

Obviously he is just now realizing he called Austin's sister a whore.


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