Character Backrounds (Optional Read)

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Annabella has grown up with her mother and father, treating her like a princess. She was told that if she wanted something, she had to work for it, and nothing was going to be handed to her. Even though her parents offered to pay for her college and living, she said she wanted to do it herself. Though her parents protested, they eventually agreed not to help her. She was always a sweet girl but had a spicy side to her, too. But she would never tell her parents. She lived for fun but also hated parties. She would be the kind of person who would talk back but then feel sorry and apologize.

Austin. He was Annabellas brother and they had a great relationship. She would always go to him for support, and he would get it. He loved his sister to death and was super protective of her. He was raised to protect women, but his parents were also a bit harsher on him. He would often get into fights with guys when they would sexualize his sister, and he had no filter for life. Unlike his sister, he took his parents money without feeling bad. They paid for his college and living expenses but drew the line when it came to purchasing his food. He could care less, though. He worked a weekend job at a pizza place so he could buy food, and his parents would pay for the monthly bill on his apartment. He didn't like his parents and always felt like they did not care about him, and if it were not for the fact he was born first, they would never have had a boy. They always favored his sister, and he was never mad at her for it. But mad at his parents.

Cleo. Cleo was Annabellas absolute best friend. They had grown up together due to their parents being business partners. She was almost the exact opposite of Bella and would go out to parties all the time and would come back completely drunk. She always tried to get Bella to go to parties even though when they got there she would leave to go find some guy to make out with.

Jay. Jay was Austin's best friend and roommate. They met sophomore year and now share Austin's condo. They were very close and told each other everything. Jay would never date any girls and would just hook up with them and then leave. Him and Austin would often do bets on who could hook up with the hottest girl. There were roofers about Jay, but he would shrug them off and never agree or disagree with him. He was always sneaking around and barely ever talked to anyone. Except Austin, of course.

Noah. He is Annabella's, now ex-boyfriend, who had cheated on her while she was on a trip away. They met junior year and moved in together freshman year of college. They both paid equal rent, but Bella would always pay for groceries. He would never pay for her on dates and would yell at her constantly about looking at other guys when in public. She never left him because she thought she loved him, but was it true love if it hurt so bad?

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