A snake slithering through the Looking Glass Ruins (Chapter 29)

Start from the beginning

This is the time!

Y/N jumps down in front of Eda with Zack's sword strapped on his back. He then summons fire in his right hand and lighting in his left. He smirks at the camera as his right eye glowed red and his left eye glowed a shocking blue. Flare was on his head barking at the camera.

Throw it aside!

Luke appears from below in front of Y/N, with a serious expression on his face. He holds his blade in his right hand and has a demon claw in his left. His sword had black blood on it causing it to glow as he lifted it over his head.

Take all your scars and just leave them behind (Oh)

Willow appears from below Luke and in front of him. She jumps up with both her arms out. Her eyes start to glow green as she lifts her arms up in the air. Giant vines start to appear behind her growing all the way to the top.

I'm going to get there dead or alive!

Gus comes from the left scattering in front of Willow. He was holding a book under his left armpit. He pulls the book out and opens it up to a random page. He slams his left hand on the book and then lifts it up. Suddenly two clones of him appear beside him as they all smile at the camera.

But on my own I cannot survive!

Amity does a spin in front of Gus. She then stops in front of the camera as she holds her hands over her head. She then brings them down, with them being on both sides of her. Her hands start to glow as she looks at the camera with a smirk. Suddenly abomination goo starts to cover the camera.

I don't want to lie to myself!

The scene opens up with a three frame slot showing Lilith, The golden guard, and the dragon guard. Lilith had an angry expression with her left arm out about to claw the camera, the golden guard had his staff out as his cap looked like it was flowing in the wind, and the dragon guard had his weapon in front of him. The frames then flip over showing: a Depressed Lilith that had a look of regret and shame, the golden guard who was holding his mask but showing his right red eye and some of his golden hair, and the dragon guard that was holding his mask in one hand, showing of his dark red glowing eyes that had a scare coming down from it, some red hair, and he was holding his weapon in his other hand.

Keep on the fight, that's right! (I'll never lose and cry)

The scene opens with Luke staring into the darkvoid. He was holding Sally's necklace in his right hand and his sword in his left. He looked down the whole time contemplating. Suddenly Sally appeared on his left side with a sweet smile and the little demon appeared on his right with a sinister smile.

Keep running day and night! (It's time to rewrite)

Y/N was surrounded by fire as he had fire in his right hand and lighting is his left. He looked at the fire with determination on his face. Suddenly his mother and Zack appeared behind him on his left, Igneel and a fire dragon appeared behind on his right.

No matter what anyone says I'll find my way

Luz is seen practicing her glyph magic. She then looks up at the sky as she is thinking about all the events that played out. She then sees a picture of her , her friends and her mother. They were all smiling and hugging each other close. She holds the picture in her hand and smiles brightly at the picture, and goes back to looking at the sky.

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