Sozin's Comet: Avatar Katara

Start from the beginning

Rubble from the pillars, the streams of fire, and water from the ocean rose and started orbitting Katara. 

The Avatar State was officially back.


Kuzon's fire and Malu's bombs flashed, airbenders soared through the sky, Piandao's sword clashed with Fire Nation spears, White Lotus members ran through the city, Anuri froze and drowned soldiers, and Bumi leapt out of a hole.

Five tanks rolled up to him and started blasting fire. Bumi rose an earth wall in front of him and started bending chunks of earth at the tanks, plugging their cannons. He lifted his arms and columns of earth stacked the tanks.

The soldiers wisely crawled out.

He glanced at the Earth King's palace, where Iroh was standing in front of a Fire Nation flag.

Once, he'd had a dream to conquer Ba Sing Se. Once, he'd longed for nothing more than to see those flags hanging from the palace walls.

Iroh watched as they burned, revealing the Earth Kingdom insignia underneath.

He walked away from the palace, helping where he was needed and dispelling flames. When he reached the Lower Ring, he saw a familiar face, bright with shock, looking out from the rubble.

He smiled at Jin. "My nephew says hello."


Katara rammed the sphere into Ozai, knocking him back. She flew towards him, blasting him with bullets of rock.

There would be no mercy.


Zuko and Rina rolled away just as Azula blasted fire. Zuko blocked her next attack. "Get out of here!"

Rina shook her head. "I'm not leaving you. Distract her and I'll try to knock her out."

Zuko and Rina split up. Rina glanced behind her, expecting Azula to chase after her brother.

Then she gasped and leapt to the side right as Azula charged. "I'd really rather the guards take care of little Zuzu," she sneered. "That would be more his level."

Azula blasted lightning at Rina, who dodged. She glanced at Zuko, who was running to help. Rina ducked behind a pillar.

Azula leapt onto the roof and charged up another lightning bolt. Then Zuko jumped after her, grabbing her hand and forcing the bolt into the sky. Azula screamed and pushed him off the roof.

He landed on a fire jet and surrounded himself with flame. Azula cleared it, but by then, Zuko was gone.

"What do we do?" Rina hissed as she and Zuko slipped behind another pillar.

"I don't know. She's not fighting rationally anymore."

Rina looked around and pointed to chains on the ground. "I'll try to lure her over here. Then you'll chain her."


"I can do this."

She ran out of the pillar, surfing on a wave of wind towards Azula. She spread her arms and dive-bombed Azula, kicking air blades as she went.

Azula blasted all of them away and starting wildly shooting fire. Rina cried out as the fire seared her glider wing, causing her to crash down.

Azula charged up more lightning. But before Rina or Zuko could act, Druk screeched and clawed at her face.

Rina made a mental promise to give Druk all the fire flakes he could eat as she rose to her feet. "Come on! Or are you too scared?"

Azula batted Druk away and raced after Rina, who ran over to where Zuko was waiting.

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