254. Crumpled

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Ellis bit his tongue to restrain a scream as Dumbledore fell, momentarily losing his balance and falling back against the Astronomy Tower wall, a trembling hand covering his mouth as he tried to keep himself steady, but everything was collapsing around him. Dumbledore dead. Dumbledore gone. Any hope he had of escaping gone without a trace.

"Out of here quickly," Snape snapped, grabbing Draco by the scruff of the neck and shoving him out the door, everyone aside from Ellis following.

None of them had noticed him where he sat, collapsed against the floor, trembling from head to foot with sheer, unadulterated terror. Then, he let out a scream, pressing his hands into his head as he continued to shake, tears streaming down his cheeks. He screamed again, a raw, animalistic scream that tore through him, expressing all the pain from the year. He screamed until his throat was raw and his voice hoarse.

In the cacophony of his pain, he hadn't noticed Harry slip away under his Cloak.


Althea only just spotted the group of Death Eaters retreating, Draco and Snape at the forefront. However, as she was in the midst of a duel, she could hardly take a moment to wonder what was happening. She had long ago felt the effects of the potion leave her. As she knocked back her assailant, however, she broke into a run, pursuing Draco and Snape as the rest broke up, helping and attacking as they pleased. She had just reached the grounds when suddenly, another figure appeared at her side.

"Harry," she said in surprise. "Where did-"

"No time," he retorted, continuing to run. As they approached the retreating figures, Althea shouted, "DRACO!"

He stumbled, turning back to look at her in surprise as Snape tried to force him on. At that moment, however, as Harry continued rushing forward, Althea felt sudden pain sear across her body. Althea screamed, curling into herself as she collapsed to the ground, the pain doubling and tripling as a figure appeared above her, wand raised. The moment the spell let up, however, she forced herself to her feet, slashing her wand through the air before lunging forward, tackling Lyra to the ground as she screamed again, her body aching in protest.

Forcing the knife out of Lyra's hand, she lunged, attempting to drive it into her throat before Lyra let out a cry, kneeing her in the stomach before forcing her onto her back. Althea trembled, facing Lyra full in the face as she panted, her white-blond hair falling around them as she took back the knife, her face alive with anger and hate before she raised the blade, driving it down toward her chest.

Althea instantly sprung into action, forcing her free hand to grip her wrist before the blade slipped, cutting into her skin. Althea cried out in pain, attempting to fight back before Lyra twisted, driving the blade into her stomach, grinning in pure satisfaction at the horrified look on Althea's face before she rose back to her feet, panting as she glanced up, her pleased expression melting away. Instantly, she turned in the other direction, leaving Althea trembling on the ground as blood poured from her wound.


"THEA! THEA!" Harry shouted, rushing over to where her body lay, her eyes flickering slightly as she fought to stay awake.

Harry felt panic flood through his system as he caught sight of the knife in her stomach. Pressing down around the knife, he looked up wildly, hoping against hope for anyone to appear, for some saving grace to appear.

"HELP! HELP!" Harry shouted.

"HARRY!" another voice shouted back. As Hagrid appeared, he demanded, "Wha' - wha' happened?"

"Get help!" Harry shouted back desperately. "Hagrid, get someone, anyone!"

"Give her to me," Hagrid said. "I'll get her to the Hospital Wing as quick as can be."


Remus was pacing anxiously in the Hospital Wing, watching as Neville was treated by Eliana. He had not seen Althea since he'd lost her during the battle and had heard nothing since. Harry too had not been seen or heard from since before the battle. Bill was being treated further down the Wing.

Remus had by then grown so anxious, that he finally said, "I'm going, Ellie. I need to go find her."

"Remi-" she began, but before she had finished, the doors burst open, revealing Hagrid, carrying a limp figure, her long, auburn hair spilling from her head.

Hermione, who had also been pacing, screamed, clamping her hands over her mouth as Neville burst to his feet, pushing off Eliana's hands as he rushed forward.

"Althea," he cried as Hagrid lowered her onto a bed. His eyes began to water as he grabbed her hand, gasping, "What- how did-"

Eliana was shaking, tears streaming down her cheeks as she stared at her, frozen in fear. Althea's skin had begun to pale, but her eyes were still moving as she fought to remain conscious.

Madam Pomfrey burst forward, pushing everyone aside as she drew her wand, cutting away Althea's shirt to get a better look at the wound. She worked for several minutes before finally withdrawing the knife, instantly sprinkling several drops of some substance none of them could quite identify. As the drops hit her skin, the wound began to knit itself back together, lessening in depth until only a shallow wound remained.

After a few more drops, she backed up and said, "She's all right, now. She's lost a lot of blood and there will be bruising but after a few days of rest...What happened, Hagrid?"

Hagrid was quiet a moment, wiping away tears of his own before he explained, "Harry found her, but I saw a bit o' wha' was happening, and well..."

"Lyra," Remus bit out tensely. Turning on Hagrid, he demanded in a ringing voice, "Did Lyra try to kill my daughter?"

Hagrid averted his gaze nervously, but his silence was answer enough. Neville released a shuttering breath, lowering his head to rest against his hands.

"Dad," Althea whispered, her voice breaking.

She was weak, having lost so much blood, but now that the wound was mostly healed, she was no longer having to fight as hard to stay awake. Remus joined Neville at her side, taking her hand in his own as though terrified that if he let go, she would disappear.

The Disgraced of the House of Black - A Multi-Character Fanfiction - Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now