216. Weasleys Wizard Wheezes

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By the time they left the shop, Althea was calm and still again and had a determined air about her that led the others to believe the last thing she wanted was to discuss what just happened. Although she noticed them giving her worried looks every once in a while, they didn't say a word to her about the incident.

"Got ev'rything?" Hagrid asked brightly when they walked out.

"Just about," Harry replied. "Did you see the Malfoys?"

"Yeah," Hagrid said, unconcerned. "Bu' they wouln' dare make trouble in the middle o' Diagon Alley, Harry. Don' worry abou' them."

Harry, Ron, and Hermione shared dark looks, but before they could tell Hagrid what had happened, Mr and Mrs Weasley appeared with Ginny, carrying heavy bags of books.

"Everyone all right?" Mrs Weasley said. "Got your robes? Right then, we can pop in at the Apothecary and Eeylopes on the way to Fred and George's - stick close now..."

Their first stop allowed them to purchase their potions ingredients, leaving Harry and Ron to look around as the others made their purchases as neither were able to continue with potions before they went on to buy food and treats for the owls. These tasks completed, they continued on until they reached Fred and George's shop. Despite the gloom of the rest of Diagon Alley, their shop was an explosion of light and colour.

The shop was packed with customers, so much so that none of them could even get near the shelves. Althea wandered away from the others, feeling rather moodier than usual. She hadn't gotten over her fright, not really. She hadn't even realized until she'd been forced face-to-face with first the image and then the likeness of Lyra Malfoy that she felt haunted by her, like she was a phantom that had been lingering in the back of her mind since that horrible night in the Department of Mysteries. She still remembered what it was like to be placed under that curse, to feel the pain tearing apart her insides.

Suddenly, the noise, the crowd, everything felt suffocating, like it was a solid mass growing ever closer, ever larger, coming closer and closer around her until she was fighting to get air into her lungs. Without realizing she was doing it, she was moving, pushing past people, moving anywhere but in there until at long last she found herself somewhere quieter. It was dark in here, wherever she was.

Her breathing was still harsh as she forced herself to look around. There was no one in sight. She was finally alone. With a relieved breath, she sank to the floor, attempting to gain control of her breathing as confused tears sprang to her eyes. Why was she falling apart? Nothing ever seemed wrong with Harry after his adventures. He never fell apart even after seeing Voldemort return. So, why did she feel like she was breaking? A small sob left her lips as she pressed her hand to her mouth to muffle the sound.

She could hear footsteps. In a panic, she forced herself to her feet, running back farther into the dark room until she found her back was against something. She instantly fell backward, tumbling to the floor of a still-darker room with some bright, luminescent material sitting in a great, glass case. There was no way she was allowed in here, that much she knew, but she couldn't move.

"Thea?" a soft voice said.

She looked up, her eyes shining with tears. Sadie had followed her, her brows furrowed in concern. Althea couldn't say anything as another sob left her lips. Sitting down beside her, Sadie wrapped her arms around her, holding her close as Althea cried into her shoulder.

"I'm sorry," she whispered shakily when she had quieted. "I don't know why I'm reacting this way. I just..."

"Thea, it's okay," Sadie said softly.

"I see her sometimes in my head, like she's this shadow that won't go away," Althea whispered. "Sometimes when I close my eyes, I see her standing over me. I dream that I'm running through the Department of Mysteries again and I can hear her footsteps behind me but everywhere I turn, she's always behind me. She always catches me."

Sadie couldn't think of what to say as she held Althea closer.

"It'll get better," Sadie said finally.

She didn't know if that was true. She hoped it was, but how did she know? She woke every morning with the image of her family's corpses lingering from her nightmares. Would that get better too?

"I'm so scared," Althea admitted as more tears fell. "I'm not strong like my friends are. They don't get bothered by stuff as easily, but I...I just...I can't..."

"Thea, just because you don't see as much of their struggle doesn't mean it's not there," Sadie said quietly, her voice soft and soothing.

"Hey, you can't be-" a sharp voice began before it broke off. Fred smiled slightly as he crouched beside them and remarked, "All the products are out there, silly. What are you two doing in here?"

Despite his smile, Althea could tell he had instantly noticed what was going on.

"Sorry," Althea said with a small smile, wiping away her tears as she pulled slightly away from Sadie. "We ran into the Malfoys and Narcissa just looks a lot like Lyra and it just...set me off."

Fred sighed, muttering darkly, "If only I could, I'd kill the bitch for what she did to you."

"Fred, if anyone's going to kill her it's me," Sadie said, her voice suddenly harsh.

Attempting to lighten the mood, Althea playfully scoffed, "Besides, we all know Fred doesn't have the guts to kill someone."

"I do too," he retorted, affronted.

"No you don't," Sadie said, her lips breaking into a wide smile before she let out a cry, quickly scrambling out of the way as Fred attempted to throw a joke wand at her. "I'll get you for that, little cousin!"

Althea giggled as Sadie drew her real wand, sending Fred into the air by the ankle.

"Sadie, let me down!" Fred whined.

"In a minute," she said with a gleeful smile.

"You suck," he complained, crossing his arms over his chest, an action made to look incredibly goofy as he was still upside down.

The Disgraced of the House of Black - A Multi-Character Fanfiction - Part TwoUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum