240. Your Fault! My Fault? Your Fault!

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The proceeding month leading up to the end of term was not a pleasant one for either Harry or Althea. Ron and Lavender were constantly in a corner eating each other's faces. Hermione spent all her time away from Ron, adamantly refusing to spend time with him or even talk about him unless it was with a harsh coldness. To make matters worse, Neville had begun acting very strangely, leaving Althea feeling more alone and confused than ever.

She tried more than once to ask what had caused such a change in him, but the most she ever got out of him was that he was fine, just busy with schoolwork. Althea had almost decided not to go to Slughorn's party at all before, on the night of the party, Hermione burst into the dorm to find Althea sitting on her bed, her books spread out before her as she took notes.

"Why are you doing homework?" Hermione said with a laugh. "The term is over!"

"Just trying to finish my notes for the rest of our textbooks before we have to go back to classes," Althea said, not looking up.

"Thea, you've got to start getting ready!" Hermione pressed. "Slughorn's party starts in two hours!"

With a small sigh, Althea replied, "I don't think I'm going, Hermione."

"What?" Hermione gasped, sitting beside her. "Thea, why-"

"The last thing I want to do is go to a party, Hermione," Althea said miserably.

"Thea, you have to go," Hermione said. "It'll be fun! Harry's going to be there."

Althea said nothing, but despite her protests, two hours later, she was descending the stairs toward the Common Room. She had chosen a black dress with an open back and a sweeping neckline. She had straightened her hair, letting it fall over her shoulders and back. When she had reached the bottom of the stairs, she found Harry leaving the boys dormitories at the same time.

"Hey," Harry said. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks," Althea said quietly, walking passed him without another word.

Harry frowned slightly as she passed but said nothing.


Althea stepped into Slughorn's office, which seemed to have been magically extended, casting a disinterested look around her. Hangings of green, red, and gold hung around the entire room, creating the odd perception that they were in a huge tent. Soft music played from the corner, filling the room with the sound of pipes and mandelines. Althea drew in a deep breath, quickly snatching a glass of something from a tray before draining the entire glass in one gulp, almost as though desperate to have something to do with her hands.

"Thea?" a shocked voice from behind her gasped.

Althea turned, surprised to find herself facing Neville. He was looking at her in awe, as though he had never seen her properly before, but to Althea's surprise, on his arm was hanging Parvati Patil. It felt like a knife had just shot through her chest. Without a word, she turned and walked away.

She was just making her way toward the exit when someone crashed into her. Hermione instantly grabbed hold of her the moment she recognized her.

"Thea! I need your help! Cormac-"

"Haven't you done enough already?" Althea snapped, prying Hermione off her and shoving her hands away from her.

Hermione looked shocked, her brows furrowed in confusion. Without a word, Althea turned and left the party. As she walked down the corridor, she failed to restrain a small sob.

"Wait!" a voice behind her cried.

Althea stopped, tears streaming down her cheeks. Turning, she found herself facing a hurt and rather confused-looking Neville.

"Thea, what's going on?"

"Oh, so now it's Thea, is it?" Althea said softly, her voice breaking. "What are you doing out here, Neville?"

"Althea, what's going on?" Neville asked, stepping toward her and attempting to take her hands into his own.

"Just leave me alone!" Althea cried, ripping her hands from his grip as more tears streamed down her cheeks. Drawing in a soothing breath, Althea said in a slightly more calm voice, "Your date will be missing you."

Before Neville could say another word, Althea turned, disappearing down the hall.


The moment Althea stepped into the Common Room, she was met by the sound of shouting voices.

"I don't understand what's going on with you!" Dean shouted, rounding on Ginny who looked more miserable than Althea had ever seen her before. "Ginny, what-"

"Just shut up, Dean!" Ginny cried. "I'm done having this same argument over and over again!"

"What, so you're breaking up with me?" Dean retorted.

"No, I-" Ginny began.

"Just forget it!" Dean snapped, turning and storming up the stairs toward his dorm.

The moment he was gone, Ginny, rolling her eyes, turned toward the couch in front of the fire before catching sight of Althea.

"Thea, hey," Ginny said, sitting down. "You okay?"

Althea shook her head, walking slowly toward Ginny as a tear slid down her cheek.

"Neville took Parvati to Slughorn's party," Althea whispered.

Ginny sighed. Without a word, Althea sat down beside her, laying her head on Ginny's shoulder.

"When did our lives get so complicated?" Ginny said softly.

"When boys entered them," Althea said. "Stupid, stupid boys."

"Total idiots, the lot of them," Ginny agreed, resting her head against Althea's as another tear slid down her cheek.

The Disgraced of the House of Black - A Multi-Character Fanfiction - Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now