239. Rift

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When the party had at last died, Althea was sitting on the couch, lying down and facing the flames, watching as they fluttered and shifted in the air. She felt confused and oddly hurt. Had she done something? Why would Neville not look at her? Why did he disappear? She ran the conversation over and over in her head again and again, completely unable to tell what she had done wrong. She missed her mother. Eliana could have told her what happened. She would have embraced her, let her release the tears she was too embarrassed to let fall.

She was just beginning to truly tear up when the portrait hole opened again. Sitting up, Althea turned to see Harry enter the room, looking just as miserable as she felt. With a weary smile, Althea tucked her legs under her to make room as Harry collapsed wearily on the couch beside her.

"Rough night for you too?" Harry asked, staring into the fire.

"You could say that," Althea said quietly, running a hand through her hair. Hesitantly, she turned to look at him as she asked, "Harry...do you think that maybe..." She broke off, suddenly unsure of herself. Suddenly letting out a laugh, she said quickly, "No, I'm imagining things. I'm going crazy."

"You and everyone else," Harry muttered.

"What happened?" Althea asked.

Harry was quiet for a moment before he admitted, "Well, for starters, Ron is now dating Lavender Brown and you are the last person to find that out because they were-"

"Yeah, I saw," Althea admitted, attempting to the best of her ability to hide the disgust from her tone.

"Well," Harry said slowly, "Hermione saw."

Althea sighed, rubbing her eyes wearily before she asked, "When did our lives become so complicated, Harry? I miss just worrying about Voldemort."

Harry was silent a moment before he suddenly snorted, looking back at her as he shook with restrained laughter. Realizing what she'd said, Althea burst into laughter, leaning forward as she covered her mouth with her hands. Releasing a long breath, Althea leaned back with a smile as Harry gave her an amused look.

"It's good to hear you laugh," he said.

Althea smiled.

"I know this year I've been...well..." Althea began.

"Thea," Harry interrupted. "We've talked about this. None of us expected you to instantly be okay after what happened."

"I know," Althea whispered. "I just feel bad."

"Well stop feeling bad," Harry said. "Have you been doing any better? Hermione said you've been having nightmares."

"Yeah," Althea said softly. "They got worse after the Hogsmeade incident, but it's been a lot better since then. I only get them a few nights a week now. It's just hard because when I have them, I don't ever go back to sleep."

"Speaking of which," Harry remarked. "It's getting late."

"Yeah," Althea said softly, getting to her feet. "I'll see you tomorrow, Harry."

"Goodnight," Harry replied, also getting up.


Ellis jerked awake, drenched in sweat. He thought at first it was his nightmare that had awoken him, but the very next moment, he knew he had been wrong. Even in the darkness, he could see the face looming above him in the dark. Ellis jerked, reaching under his pillow for his wand as he jerked back to lean against the headboard.

He fumbled for his wand, but to his utter horror, it was gone. When he finally found it against the headboard, he cried, "Lumos!"

Light flooded the room, bathing every nook and cranny with light. There was no one in sight. Ellis trembled against the headboard, his chest heaving with shallow breaths. He tried for a moment to control his breathing, but after a moment's attempt, he screamed, slamming his hands against the headboard, angry tears streaming down his cheeks as he gasped for breath.

Forcing himself to his feet, he passed through the door to his private bathroom, switching on the lights before leaning against the counter, staring into his own eyes as he tried to control his breathing. His eyes were red, rimmed in half-moons with dark grey. He also looked significantly paler than he ever remembered being, especially since moving to Egypt. Ellis also noticed for the first time that he had grown thinner, the faint muscles on his arms having diminished significantly. Ellis looked away, his trembling worsening. He hated looking at himself like this.

"I can't do this," he whispered shakily, tears continuing to stream down his cheeks as he lowered himself weakly to the ground.

He curled into himself, burying his head in his hands as he tried once again to soothe his rapid breathing. Then, before he could stop himself, he screamed.


Sadie was awake again, as she so often was these days in the late hours of the night. Disturbing news reached the auror office more and more, but until the previous day, it had never affected her. Now, everything had changed again. She sighed, shifting her gaze from the dark Weasley garden she could partly see despite the shroud of night to the sleepy child in her arms.

Minnie was sipping at a bottle, her eyes closed. Soon she had drifted off, abandoning her midnight snack. Sadie set aside the bottle, cradling the child close as she studied her face, deep in thought. She wondered sometimes, on nights like these, what it would be like to be as oblivious and infantile as little Minnie was. Would the few years be worth the pain and shock of learning to understand the broken world around them?

If only there was a way to stay innocent, but then again, perhaps it is finding true joy, joy not even the grips of death can mar that was the true challenge, the great adventure of life.

"Did she wake you up?" Arthur asked, stepping into the living room where Saide had been sitting by the window.

He looked tired, his eyes hazy and his hair sticking up oddly at the side.

"No," Sadie said with her best attempt at a smile. "I was already awake."

Arthur said nothing for a moment as he approached, sitting down on the couch near her chair.

"I miss them too," he said finally, his voice impossibly soft.

Sadie said nothing, keeping her gaze fixed on the baby.

"Sadie, it might be a good thing, you taken off active duty at work," Arthur tried again.

"Uncle, please," Saide said softly, finally looking up, although she still avoided his gaze. "I can't do anything from here. I'm...I'm use-"

"Don't you dare say you're useless," Arthur interrupted harshly. "Sadie, listen to me." She finally met his gaze. "I know it's hard right now, but you are being useful here. Eliana and Remus need your help looking after Minnie. Having you here helps keep Molly calm. Bill loves having you here."

"Uncle, I don't want to spend my entire life as- as-" she broke off, unsure even herself what she was trying to say. "I'm meant for more," she said softly. "I'm an auror."

"And you will be again when Lyra is gone," Arthur insisted.

"I need to sleep," Sadie said, getting to her feet, taking Minnie's bottle with her as she tried not to think about how many other families Lyra Malfoy could tear apart before she was taken down.

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