238. Foundations that Crumble

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The moment they entered the Gryffindor Common room, Harry was torn away by a large group of girls while Althea moved over to the drinks table where she met Ginny.

"Hi," Althea said with a relieved smile. "Good game, Ginny. You played really well."

"Thanks," she said, looking grim.

Frowning, Althea asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she muttered. "Ron's just a hypocrite."

"Why?" Althea asked cautiously.

Setting down her drink, Ginny explained, "Because just a week ago, Ron was screaming at me for snogging Dean in an abandoned corridor because of how public it was. Yet now..."

She waved her hand disinterestedly behind her. Curiously, Althea leaned to see past her. There, in full view of the entire room, was Ron with his arms wrapped around Lavander Brown and their lips pressed firmly together. They were standing so close to one another that Althea couldn't tell where one ended and the other began.

"Ew," she said, moving back again to block out the sight. Grabbing a butterbeer, Althea said, "I'm going for a walk."

"See you later," Ginny said.

Althea weaved her way through the different groups of people until she reached the portrait hole. She had no particular destination in mind as she walked, sipping on her butterbeer. To her surprise, however, she found herself on the grounds, standing on the front steps of the school. Sitting there, looking pensive, was Neville.

"Hey," Althea said, sitting down beside him.

It was chilly now that it was beginning to grow dark, but Neville had no coat.

"Aren't you cold?" she asked in concern, gently nudging him with her shoulder.

"What?" he said in surprise, looking up at her. "Oh, no, I'm fine."

"Neville," Althea said gently, looping her arm around his and taking his hand in her own. "What are you doing out here in the cold all alone?"

Beginning to smile slightly, he squeezed her hand gently as he said, "I was just thinking."

"What about?" Althea asked curiously, leaning against his shoulder.

"Life," he said quietly. "My uncle disappeared last night."

"What?" Althea said quickly, lifting her head and looking at him with wide eyes. "When did you hear?"

Lifting a small roll of parchment out of his pocket, he said, "This morning."

"Neville," Althea whispered. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"You have enough to worry about," Neville said in a soft voice.

"No, Neville," Althea retorted, getting to her feet. Crouching on the step below him to face him, she grabbed hold of both his hand as she insisted, "Neville, I want to know these things. You're my best friend, and I care more about you than...You can talk to me, I want you to talk to me about these things!"

Neville smiled slightly as he met her gaze.

"I'm not getting rid of you, am I?" he said, restraining a small laugh.

"Never," Althea whispered.

"You're amazing, Althea, did you know that?" Neville said, leaning forward slightly so he was only a few inches away from her.

Althea could feel his warm breath on her cheeks.

Blushing, she replied in a breathless whisper, "You've mentioned it once or twice."

"And I'll keep mentioning it until-" Neville began before he suddenly broke off, his voice failing him.

"Neville," she whispered, her voice breathy.

"OI!" a sharp voice snapped, causing them to instantly break apart. Filch was standing at the front door. "What are you doing out here?!"

"Sorry," Althea said quickly, rising to her feet to face him as her cheeks flamed red. "We'll get to our dorm at once."

"See that you do," Filch growled. "Lucky it wasn't already after curfew, little brats."

Without a word, Althea and Neville watched him shuffle away, glancing back at each other and stifling laughter. Neville rose slowly to his feet, gently taking Althea's hand into his own. She had elected to wear her hair down that day, leaving it blowing around gently in the soft wind. The warm light of sunlight shone around them, setting the edges of Althea's red hair to a golden glow. Neville smiled as he studied her face, hesitating slightly.

"You're beautiful," Neville whispered, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

Althea's cheeks flushed, but she did not look away. There was something so undeniably captivating in the expression on Neville's face. He was staring at her in a way she had never seen him look before, as though he were studying every inch of her face and delighting in it all.

As quickly as it began, the spell was broken as Neville, clearing his throat, lowered his hand, his cheeks flushing crimson as he said, "We should go inside before Filch comes back."

"Right," Althea said, her voice barely more than a whisper.

Neville did not meet her eyes again as he turned, letting go of her hand as he headed inside. Althea felt a chilling cold spread across her hand and cheek, exactly where Neville had been touching her before. Releasing a shaking breath, Althea followed him into Hogwarts, walking alongside him back to Gryffindor Common Room.

Althea had never experienced such an awkward silence between the two of them before. It was nearly dead silent as they walked toward the portrait hole.

As Neville opened his mouth to give the password, Althea quickly said, "Neville-"

"Yes?" he said quickly, turning and meeting her gaze, almost expectantly.

"I-" she began before her voice failed her. She wasn't even entirely sure what she was trying to say. "Uh - nothing. Nevermind."

The moment they stepped inside, they found that the party was still in full-swing, leaving people chatting, talking, flirting, and laughing all around them. Althea turned to look at Neville before she realized to her surprise that he had already disappeared into the crowd.

The Disgraced of the House of Black - A Multi-Character Fanfiction - Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now