249. Punishment

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Althea had just begun to quiet some when Snape returned, looking angrier than either of them had ever seen him before. Anything Althea had thought to say died instantly on her lips.

"I...I didn't mean for it to happen," Harry said, his voice low and breathy. "I didn't know what that spell did."

Althea began crying again, pressing her hands against her throbbing forehead.

"Apparently I underestimated you, Potter," Snape said quietly. "Who would have thought you knew such Dark Magic? Who taught you that spell?"

"I...read about it somewhere," Harry said weakly.

"Where?" Snape snapped.

"It was - a library book," Harry said desperately. "I can't remember what it was called-"

"Liar," Snape said.

Harry's throat went dry as Snape looked him dead in the face, attempting to probe into his mind. There were several tense minutes before Snape ordered him to bring all his schoolbooks. When he had gone, Snape turned on Althea, tears still streaming down her cheeks.

"Go," he snapped.

Althea hesitated a moment before getting to her feet and stepping out the door. As she began the long walk up to Gryffindor Tower, she suddenly remembered the blood covering her hands, knees, and legs. Even her hair had trailed in some of it. She was literally walking away from a murder scene, and she certainly looked the part. Luckily for her, however, she reached the Common Room without passing anyone until she stepped inside.

"Althea?" a surprised voice said.

She turned to see Neville, looking horrified at the sight of the blood all over her.

"I'll explain later," she said quietly before turning up the stairs and disappearing from sight.

The moment she reached the bathroom, she quickly tore her clothes off before jumping in the shower, scrubbing roughly at her hands, the memory of the feeling of Draco's blood flowing over them, covering them, the pulse of blood beneath her hands, horrified her so greatly she almost felt like vomiting. When she had scrubbed herself five times over, been consumed by tears and a panic attack, and vomited more than once, she stepped out of the shower, wrapping herself in a towel before returning to the dorm and changing into sweat pants and a sweatshirt. She shook as she flung herself under the covers, her breathing fast and shallow as she balled her trembling hands into fists.

An hour later, the door opened and Althea, still trembling, felt her bed dip slightly as someone sat down next to her.

"Thea," Ginny said quietly. "Harry told us what happened."

Althea could not hold back a harsh sob, curling into her pillow as she shrunk into a ball, her fist pressed harshly against her forehead. Ginny sighed, laying down beside her and wrapping her arms around her.

When she had calmed again, Ginny said, "Neville's asking for you. I can tell him you don't want to talk. He would understand."

Althea shook her head, sniffling as she forced herself into a sitting position. Ginny sighed sympathetically, brushing her damp hair out of her face and wiping away her tears.

"Well, come on, then," she said gently.

Althea followed after her out of the dorm and down the stairs where Neville was standing, looking worried. The moment he saw her, however, his expression melted as she rushed into his arms. Neville held her close as she continued trembling, holding him as close as she could.

Ginny rejoined Harry, Ron, and Hermione who had watched the exchange sombrely.

"She okay?" Harry asked, his voice slightly hoarse.

He knew he had scared her. He had known the moment the blood appeared. He wondered if she would hate him now like Draco so obviously would.

Ginny shook her head. "She's shaken."

"She saved his life," Hermione whispered, still staring at the couple.

They had sat down in front of the fire a few yards from them, Althea in Neville's arms as she fought back tears.

"Why was she in there in the first place?" Ron asked.

Harry was quiet for a moment before he admitted, "Before I went in, when I was just listening. She...well, she was offering to help him. She said something about protection. I'm not super sure. We'd have to ask her."

"Not any time soon, you're not," Hermione said fiercely. "Harry, what she is experiencing right now, that is because of what you did!"

"I know!" Harry cried angrily. "I know what I did, Hermione! I know it was stupid, and I know it was my fault, and I know it scared Thea. I don't need you to tell me that!"

"Lay off, Hermione," Ginny added softly.

The Disgraced of the House of Black - A Multi-Character Fanfiction - Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now